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Image Comments posted by atomic_coffee


    It is interesting. I do not like the cluttered background though. Perhaps "moodier" lighting and a less distracting background would make this better.



    Hello Ana,


    It was taken on a remote lake in upstate Maine, USA. I have 3 or 4 more for this series that I am eventually going to post. Thanks for visiting the photo, I appreciate the feedback.



    Hallo Werner,


    I think a tighter crop would help emphasize what you are saying. Very interesting with the lighting. It was done well.





    Hello Emma,


    Definitely one of the better dog photos I have seen lately. Usually I brace for another pet photo that is only attractive to the owner, but this one is not of that caliber. Nice lighting, nice exposure. I have nothing technically constructive to say, so I'll just say job well done in support.


    ~Cheers, Glen

    Snow flakes


    Hello Haleh,


    The watermark is no problem. I understand why it is there so I can look past it. I don't understand the title, but that does not bother me either and is of no consequence.

    Maybe a little too much on the white edging. I would have to see an alternate version to decide that for sure though. Very nice lighting, and very nice color.


    Cheers, Glen

    Heron Yoga Class


    That's funny! The bird I mean. I like the other pose better for her business purpose. It seems to say "yoga" louder. I'm wondering in what context I should envision this series. Business card, brochure photo, photo for studio wall? I think this one and the other one would work for studio wall artwork and brochure photo, but maybe not so much for a business card. I think the bottom part may become a solid black mass on a business card. I do like the sunset better in this one than the other one.


    ~Cheers, Glen

    yoga sunset


    Hmmm... I don't think it works for your purpose. I think there is too much darkness and I can't really see the rest of her. Fill flash would have helped with that. You can probably pull something out in photoshop, but I think if a person finds themselves trying to fix a lot of things in photoshop they should have done something different in the first place. I do like the direction you were going in though. I think this is a good pose for a business card or some brochure for her business. I would definitely say to have another go at it. I've seen some of the other photos in your portfolio, so I know you can do it better.



    Your move


    This is interesting with nice color. I think it would be more interesting if you took it from another angle and captured both players concetrating on it. Using the same tones of course.


    You have uploaded it in a rather large size. When I click on "larger" it is too large for the website. When you do this, the website reduces the size and quality automatically for you you. If you do it yourself before uploading, you get to keep control of that outcome youself.


    ~Cheers, Glen

    self portrait


    I like it. I like the color and I like the shadow on the eye. I'm not too sure about the tight crop. One minute I like it, the next I don't. If you put this one up next to a version that had more of the chin showing, I would like this one better.


    Okay, I talked myself into it. I like the tight crop also. It makes it more interesting and less "standard".

    Mae-Moh, Thailand


    Hello Ken,


    I like the picture and everything, but it does seem to be a bit heavy handed on the processing. However, I think that is what you were going for so I am okay with it.


    Cheers, Glen

    Sweet Adoration


    Hi Stephanie,


    I played around with cropping it, and I think it looks better if you crop it right below her breast. I think this brings the focus in on their faces thus giving it a more intimate feel.


    ~Cheers, Glen


    p.s. I was lead to this photo from your other photo of this couple that had a comment that suggested that you hide her body in this. That is NOT why I suggested the above crop.



    Hello Mariusz,


    I like this one. I like the wide format you used. I've been thinking of experimenting with it and it is good to see it can be done successfully. I also like the tone.


    ~Cheers, Glen

    Fishers at Dusk


    It is very pretty, but I don't see any fishers. I thought it was just a buoy with a light on it until I read your comment. I think the subject is the sky more so than the lighthouse. It is a very pleasing photo nonetheless. I menion all this becasue the title and your comment lead me to believe you were looking to have the lighthouse and the fishers be the main subject, which they do not seem to be.


    ~Cheers, Glen

    Buttery raisin


    I agree with the above comment on the nearest part. I give this one high marks for being original. Usually we're stuck with macros of flowers and bugs. Now we at least we can have some breakfast.


    ~Cheers, Glen



    Hello kursad ergan,


    This is a very beautiful picture. I like the composition of it. Did you drastically crop down to this compostion or is this the orignal composition? However you did it, you did it wery well.


    Her right eye seems darker than her left. It's just a subtle nuance, but once I identified it to myself it became more prominent.


    Regards, ~Glen

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