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Image Comments posted by ramon_salazar

    About a boy?


    I think it was a great idea to take this picture.

    You captured a moment, so common in our lifes (talking on the stgreet with friends), but only few has taken a picture like this before.

    Congratulations, Felicitaciones

  1. When you have a subject and you want to highlight it, one of the techniques used in photography is to decrease the depth of field. For such reason, I think this picture is ok, the photographer used the proper technique. The rocks are not important.

    You can see this technique widely used in scenes were a model is with a blurred background.

    Depth of field ok !!!

  2. B&W photography is great, artistic, unbeatable for certain moments. But I think in Patagonia, where colors are just beatiful, that beatiful green and blue are lost in a B&W picture. B&W is good when you have different tones. In Landscapes in PAtagonia you have green and blue, that's it.I think it would have been much better in color. (ramonenrique@hotmail.com)
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