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Image Comments posted by marmot



    I love this kind of photography. I think that the photo would carry more impact if you had shot him closer to the left frame. The bigger open space on the right would give a sense of "playing to an empty house." Also if you had eliminate the stair on the left of the pillar it would accentuate the contrasting play of lines on the ground and stairs.


    Very nice, scenes like this do not come often.



    I like the monotone and being from Wisconsin, I appreciate the feeling of approaching fall and retreating daylight. The lack of shadows and overall flatness keeps the picture from fully expressing this, however. I think if you there was a bit of gold light you might achieve a sense of serenity and contentment while a deeper shadow would add a feeling of solitude and perhaps stagnation. Either way it seems that the bench does not fully achieve its purpose within the mood you are trying to achieve.


    Great picture and go Badgers!

    Music Box

    I was close. I thought it was an old phonograph. I like pictures with an element of "now you see it....." and try to experiment with extreme close ups and unusual crops. My one picture up for critique tries for a sense of that as well. I hope to get a stronger feel of lighting as I learn which you seem to grasp well.

    Scottish Wild Cat

    Beautiful cat. Where did you find him (her) and do you know what the breed is? I think the picture is great. Your choice of depth of field blends the color palatte nicely. It looks like the cat is standing in front of a finger painting!
  1. First, I don't mind the bright white. It accents the explosive contrast between the red and white tones. Normally I would not like it because of its centered position. Dominant elements don't seem to work well in the center frame as it tends to be predictible and too balanced. (unless you are Stanley Kubrick and have a talent for making predictibility unsettling!) But here, I think the dominance is within the red tones and its fortunate abstract qualities so I think the colors are nice and work well together. The picture only hints at the picture's original form. Overal I don't think the picture is particularly interesting or captivating. Your treatment of it allows you to express something about color, tone and a certain flatness. Like someone spilled paint on the floor.


    I see that you increased the contrast which is why you have the bright white center. You also increased the saturation which also increases the contrast levels. You may have only had a few dominant colors to work with or else you were able to isolate the greens and reds effectively. Either way, increasing saturation seems to have worked well here.


    You could have selected the center white with the magic wand or lasso tool and then go under "select" and choose "select inverse". This will allow you to affect everything except that part you wish to leave alone. It looks like your picture was backlit a bit which adds nicely to the subjectivity. If your intention was to focus attention on the caterpiller, it does not work. You could try selecting just the caterpiller and changing it's color, making it bigger, moving it to a more dominant position... etc, But I think the picture works well without the pillar and you may try getting rid of it all together. You can "clone" it out, paint it out, select it out... many ways) I think you should try using some interesting type treatment. Perhaps a favorite quote or expression. Mess around with your type baselines, leading and position on the frame. Experiment with type visually to blend with the pictures message and mood, not as a seperate idea for its own sake. You could give the picture more depth with several techniques.(although I think the power of the picture is it's "flatness")


    Anyhow, I could go on and on because I am a Photoshop junkie. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me. I have many tricks and tools. The great thing about Photoshop is you can learn something new everytime if you open up your head!


    Jeff Campbell


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