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Image Comments posted by shadowcaster57

  1. Not particularly 'original', but my version of the National

    Geographic / Postcard picture of the ruins at Machu Picchu. Just the

    opportunity for taking exposures like this justified the arduous task

    of lugging ten pounds of photographical equipment over the 50kms of

    the Inka Trail. Comments and critiques would be appreciated...


    I much prefer the composition of the original photo over the crop to remove the lamp. In the crop, I find the electrical tower too much at the forefront and takes away from the focus, which I think should be the lightning. I agree that the lamp is a little distracting (interrupts the flow of eyes when scanning the photo) -- as is the slight glare from what I'm assuming was a second lamp just off to the right side. All-in-all though, good photo!
  2. Comments on this photo would be appreciated. Does the composition

    work? Thinking back, the only thing I would have liked to have

    changed is to lengthen the depth of field so that all the flowers

    are in focus. Unfortunately, this photo was taken at the end of the

    most grueling day of hiking on the Inka Trail and didn't quite have

    the presence of mind I would have liked.


    Ahh, since camera shake was the issue, that's easily corrected. I'm not extremely experienced with weather / lightning shots, but when I have tried to shoot lightning, I've set my camera up on a tripod facing the direction of the storm and set my shutter speeds to 3-5 seconds. Then I kept shooting. Lots of trial and error and luck.



    The lightning aspect of this photo is quite good, but the blurriness of the foreground lights and buildings are distracting and detract from the overall photo.


    With the distance between the lightning flashes and the foregroung objects, I think using a lens with a higher f-stop would help increase the depth of field and bring all the elements into sharper focus, which would have greatly enhanced the asthetic qualities of this photo for me.




    I like the attempt to capture the vastness of the fogbank, but I'm finding the composition lacking. I think the rule of thirds would have helped with the positioning of the boat and the horizon.
  3. The photo does a good job of communicating to me the feeling of being in the garage. I'm finding the thick wire hanging down -- cutting through the two heads -- very distracting, though.

    Awesome Power

    I agree with the above comment -- this is a tale of two pictures. The upper half with the lighted clouds draws me in, but the lower half of the shot is mundane at best and detracts from it.
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