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Image Comments posted by erin_____grasshopper__rice

  1. I also wanted to chime in and say that this one is splendid. My only niggles are her clenched right wrist appearing out of her skirt, and the hill behind her, though it gives a nice contrast to the blue sky.


    I'm really enjoying the various flowers, they help me to look at other parts of the picture and not get to focused on the face.

  2. Hi, Carl. Congratulations.

    I have tp say I'm not a huge fan of the original(coutesy of Dougs link, Thanks, Doug.) And even though I like this; I'm not sure I can really praise it because it is something that was achieved in PS, the colors aren't close to the original. It's like a woman who's in her fifties and has had a lot of work done. She's beautiful; sure- but... it's not real...Does that matter, though? Does achieving a great photograph through the use of photoshop lessen the greatness of photographs obtained by conventional means? Or is a great photograph a great photograph, no matter the means? It's hard to say and I'm not even sure of my position; though I'm inclined to go with the lesser.

    You've turned an OK photograph into this great looking POW, great job. But, as opposed to rating this, I'll rate your original. I try not to rate Photoshopped pictures if I can help it, though occasionally I break my own rule. The reason is because I just don't know what to rate them. LOL Perhaps we should have a third category "Use of PS".

    Again, Congratulations.

  3. *yawn* Yes, it looks much worse on the actual page. I'm sorry. The bad thing about the gallery is that you don't get to see little comments that explain the pictures. Seeing the picture in the context of what you described gives it more life for me. Almost like shes winking at you. "I knew what you wanted the entire time; I was just giving you a hard time"



    So, maybe not so boring after all..


    I like the bench; looking out at the tree, but otherwise I think there is just way to much here. I'd like too see this from an angle behind the bench (almost directly) with better than blah lighting.
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