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Posts posted by erin_____grasshopper__rice

  1. <p>I appreciate all the responses. I'm not sure if perhaps I came off the wrong way. I'm not complaining about the situation, or even decrying its existence. I was just explaining my husbands particular situation- I thought with all the experience on this site, there would be photographers who had experienced similar situations and perhaps had some advice on the options that might be available, or perhaps were just willing to share their own experiences... It's not even about blame, I recognize there are people in worse situations and had he perhaps been more forward thinking or more ambitious he'd be better off. But, he wasnt so here he is.<br>

    <br /> Dick, Thanks very much for sharing your experience. David (husband) has done a bit of on the side work, but it is quite random, he might do quite a few bits and then nothing for a year. He's done a bit of advertising work, but tends to avoid weddings as he feels the market is just to saturated (and, admittedly, he hates doing weddings).<br /> We've talked about just taking out an ad in the yellow pages, setting up a website but just haven't felt confident enough to do it. Do you perhaps think that it would not be worth it for him to try to move into freelance advertising or corporate type photography with todays technology being what is, allowing companies to take their own quality pictures?<br>

    <br /> There seems to be room in the market for freelance portraiture, kind of go where the client is and do whatever makes them feel comfortable, as opposed to the Olan Mills studio type stuff. Does anyone have any comments on that? I like to think it sounds doable with a bit of hard work...<br>

    <br /> Hmm. As far as why he is anything- he's just a guy who likes to take pictures. He was lucky to stumble into a job he loved, and was getting along fine with it. But, he's older now and feels his time at the paper is done, but he doesnt want to stop snapping. I'm the ambitious, go get em one of our relationship so I took it upon myself to see what is out there and what kind of options he has. Lots of people are like that- a very successful vet I know is rubbish at anything business related, all he wants to do is fix animals. If he didnt have dedicated staff and friends, he'd never had gotten anywhere. Some people just want to do what they love and dont get on well with the more practical side of having a career or a business. There isnt anything necessarily wrong with them, though of course it can be the kiss of death to a career, if they dont have people around who will do the practical stuff for them. <br /> Even if there arent any snapping opportunities left for him, I think it would be good for him to just read about the experiences of others who perhas did have to move into a different field, or became freelance or opened their own studios etc following a newspaper type experience.</p>

    <p>Thanks again for the replies, especially Dick Arnold. :)</p>

  2. <p>I'm posting this for my husband, who has never really clicked with this site (out of laziness i think), which is odd because I'm a rubbish photographer with no interest since I married him, and he's a professional photog with all the know how and talent. Eh. <br>

    Anyway- He's been in the business for over 20 years. For the last 10 he's been the sole photog at a one horse town in England, owned by one of the biggest newspaper companies. He's been classed as a "trainee photographer" for the entire time he's been at that particular paper (10 years in January). They work him like a dog and the editor is a real bastard who expects him to be on call 24-7 and never do anything else. (A 7:00 am doctors appt. was judged to be unacceptable, in case they had a job for him!). This is a one horse town, a weekly paper whose main stories fluctuate between first days of schools and flower shows. 18 hour Saturdays are part of his work week, but he gets grief for not being in the office 9-5 like the reporters the rest of the week.<br>

    Every year there are new redundancy fears and photographers are being let go fairly regularly, he has already been offered redundancy once. He has only escaped forced redundancy because his paper is doing well.<br>

    He is tired of it all. His health is suffering and he really can't muster much joy for cheque presentations and first days at school, anymore especially with an editor who has no clue about how it works and expects completley unrealistic pictures. <br>

    His only qualifications are his experience, he has never gotten any professional qualifications, and doesnt really want to go freelance because he is not up for the challenge of competing with such a saturated market. <br>

    Retirement is still a fairly long way off, and redundancy is no longer being offered. (for now...)<br>

    Is there anything out there for him that won't involve putting down his camera? The prospects seem few and far between. Is the situation any better in the states (where I'm from)? Has anyone else gone through the same experiences with possibly some advice to offer? He's not a terribly ambitious person, and the prospect of leaving the comfort of his camera scares him. </p>

    <p> Thanks for your thoughts.... </p>

  3. My husband, who is a professional and sometimes freelance photographer was just sent a bizarre contract from a publication he recently sold an image to. It didn't sit right with me and after having a look around, I found this thread. Thanks for the great info/advice about "rights grabs". It is a big part of my decision to ask him NOT to sign that contract.
  4. Hello busy elves of PN, I have a question and I hope you can help me!


    I already have a PN Account, but my subscription has expired. Wanting

    to continue my subscription but not on that account- I set up a new

    account for myself and my husband and have paid our subscription fee.

    I wanted to keep my forwarding address though, but when I try to use

    it on the new account it tells me it is already taken. I was hoping

    since my subscription had already expired, I wouldnt have trouble

    using the same address....




    That is a link to my old community member page.


    Any help would be appreciated!!!





  5. Oh, I just can't believe this. After fixing the first problem , a new

    one develops!


    Now, my film won't load, or advance. It seemed to be taking pictures

    fine, but then I realized it wasn't advancing. I can't get film to

    load, either. The first problem was just getting it to manually rewind

    and I had figured that out, fixed it, loaded a new roll and took about

    5 shots, a few days later I went to take some more and thats when the

    current problem started.


    Anyone have any clue or ideas?

  6. Thank You Alex and Greg!


    Easter is the one holiday I do myself, and it's great practice. I'm grateful to have my own subjects (my kids) as well. I can bribe them with as much candy as I have and make them sit still as long as I need them to!


    Camera is back in working order, thank fully. And I have a manual and cliff notes to locate in case it happens again. I missed out on taking a number of shots for my aviation buff husband at the air show and I'm not happy about it!


    Thanks again everyone!

  7. Could be. I know none of the buttons, really. It drives my hubby crazy! There are two buttons for rewinding film. One on top, next to the display, and another one that I referred to above, that looks more like a flash button, but has the rewind icon in red below it, that is the one that worked.
  8. Oh, Can you believe it? The same thing I've tried 10 times already only works after I've posted a thread begging for help. Typical.


    So, nevermind. I fixed it.


    In case you don't know to fix it; this is what I did-


    I just held the lightning button (on the back of the camera, top left, next to the bracket button) in for a few seconds. Now, I did try this multiple times already, but must not have held the button in long enough.


    So, sorry. Nothing to see here, go back to your homes. And thank you anyway.



    -A very chagrined Erin

  9. I ruined it. It's my fault. I got distracted by the planes at the air

    show! They were doing flips and turns and I couldn't help but look up!

    Unfortunatley when I looked back down I had forgotten I was in the

    process of rewinding film and I flipped the back of the camera open.


    I don't know if the film is ruined- I managed to take it out and

    manually rewind it, but now the camera won't load anymore film, and

    the display is flashing the rewind icon and the number of exposures.

    Nothing I do has helped.


    It has been 4 days since this happened. I have of course, turned it

    off and back on, taken the batteries out, pressed every button on the

    thing... I don't know. And of course my ESA ran out 2 weeks ago.


    Does anyone know how to fix this? My husband, a prof. photographer and

    Nikon user was no help. I turn to you.


    My Easter pictures are in your hands.






  10. I uploaded some shots last night and they appeared very very small; I

    deleted them and uploaded bigger versions; again they appeared very

    small; I tried once again with even bigger versions and still,

    they're tiny. At this point I've uploaded pictures with 3000 pixel

    dimensions, but to no avail.


    The options to view bigger versions seem to be gone, so I'm at a loss

    as to what to do- any ideas?




  11. <I> <b> I'm deaf until I can make the language my own.</I> </b>


    <P> I really like that quote...it does a great job summing up...lol...my life, thus far. You can consider it stolen. :)


    <P> But, It's true and I look it at this way- that no matter how many times someone explains it, or draws a picture...or whatever- you're not going to understand, that lightbulb is not going to go off until you internalize it and apply it your life, and that means spending the time appyling things you know to your life, not continously looking for the answers. Which I think can be applied to Photo.net in that a lot of people here want that instant gratification, the answers that will make them Ansel Adams. Unfortunatley that just can't happen- and I think people here ned to realize that. To realize that they have to spend time with their photographs to find whats right or wrong with them, because they are the only ones who will know.

  12. What was unkind about my comments? I certainly never said anyone here was a poor photographer, in fact most of the people who posted in this thread are very good photographers. You quoted me, you know exactly what I said and the context in which I said it.


    <P> I am probably the worst photographer in this "room". And no amount of tinkering with the ratings system by Brian is going to change those 3's into 6's. No amount of "honest" 4's by Bailey or being ignored by the photographers who's pages I frequent is going to make me a better photographer. (or a worse one) The only way I'll get better is to keep reading my books on photography, and keep hauling my camera around and keep <i> <b> shooting!</b> </i> The only way I'll get worse is to do nothing to improve my skills and not even bother with what I already know.


    <P> People act like the gallery is the end all be all of this site. It's not. If you're not getting comments and critiques on your pictures, but you have an idea of what you want to fix, go find someone a bit more high profile who takes similar pictures and read the comments on their pages. Read one of the tutorials! Read an article! Check out other photo sites! Photo.net is an awesome site. But it can't be your entire world.


    <P> If you're getting low rates and zip comments, and you're at a loss for why, then LOOK at your pictures. The answer is THERE. NOT here.



    <P> Did that make any sense? I tend to ramble and digress... but hopefully I got my point across.

  13. <I>Mark Loraine , jul 27, 2004; 06:47 p.m. </I>


    <B> <P> From my point of view, I am not learning anymore, in fact it would appear that my development as a photographer has gone backwards rather than forwards, which I have to say was not my understanding of this community when I joined. </B>



    <P>That is what I was referring to, to me it seems he is blaming the system for a backslide in his photography; which is all to common around here. Are you familar with the many many many threads on this subject? We go from complaining about the ratings and raters to complaining about the comments and commenters. Back and forth it goes, demanding that Brian require this and that from people before they be allowed to rate or comment or, hell even look at pictures here..lol.. There is no end in sight. Every change thats made is usally met with adversity and the same arguments about the old system start up again with the new system. Which is ironic to say the least.


    <P>Short on time at the moment so will have to finish this up later.

  14. Mark Loraine , jul 27, 2004; 06:47 p.m.


    From my point of view, I am not learning anymore, in fact it would appear that my development as a photographer has gone backwards rather than forwards, which I have to say was not my understanding of this community when I joined.



    <P>That is what I was referring to, to me it seems he is blaming the system for a backslide in his photography; which is all to common around here. Are you familar with the many many many threads on this subject? We go from complaining about the ratings and raters to complaining about the comments and commenters. Back and forth it goes, demanding that Brian require this and that from people before they be allowed to rate or comment or, hell even look at pictures here..lol.. There is no end in sight. Every change thats made is usally met with adversity and the same arguments about the old system start up again with the new system. Which is ironic to say the least.


    <P>Short on time at the moment so will have to finish this up later.

  15. Why are the numbers meaningless? If anything they can be used as a jumping off point for determining the points of your picture that need improvement. And what's to say that you won't completely blow off someones comment the same as you would their rating because you don't like their work, or can't see their work, or just don't think they're very good photographers? Then you would be right back in herecomplaining that those people shouldn't even be allowed to comment on pictures.


    <P> It comes down to you not wnating any negative feedback. And even if the whole Briandamned system was reworked to make sure only the best and the brightest ever rated or commented one of you would invariably find something terribly wrong with it. Because one of you would disagree with who was best or brightest, etc. I don't think any of you even know what you really want from the system.

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