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Posts posted by fred_j._lord

  1. If you consider the task, it has to be a slow process putting all of this together for our enjoyment. Each application has to be read and considered. They probably then should look at each of our image sets to get some idea of our interests and aptitudes. It's got to be complicated. And an additional workload on top of normal operations.


    Have patience. I don't envy them the task they've set before themselves. It's almost like a human resources decision in each case. Give them the time to make good decisions.

  2. Count me in! I am bathing my already badly battered ego in psychic vinegar to toughen it. I hope I can help those who need it and gather the same from those who have it. As a simple journeyman shutterbug, I hope to find new inspiration within these virtual walls. If I say the wrong things, please forgive. If I say the right things, just wait, I'll make full circle back to wrong things soon. I think this is a wonderful opportunity and I can always shut the Mac off and sulk if I have to! I hope to start soon as business is slow right now!
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