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Image Comments posted by costaman

  1. Shooting through the iron fence, this was handheld at 1/60th with

    Velvia 50 film (Kept at 50). Centre-Weighted metered and shot at



    It is not the best scanning job but I really like this shot's

    relaxing mood.


    Maybe too much empty space in the top right quarter????



  2. This photo was taken during Doors Open 2003 in Toronto. It is a

    weekend event that allows the public into some very interesting

    buildings around Toronto.


    This is looking from the back of St. Mike's Church towards the right

    front side of the aisle.


    Comments on the geometry, layout or perspective are appreciated.

  3. Every year in Toronto there is an event called 'Doors Open'. Old

    buildings are opened to the public.


    This synagogue is very old and in the Spadina Chinatown/Kensington



    I like this photo because of this man and his surrondings.

  4. This was one of the few successfully exposed photos when I borrowed a

    Bronica 6x6 and the film is Portra BW.


    It really was a beautiful church and in the middle of nowhere. Not

    much of a buildings photographer and would like an opinion and

    perhaps some tips about photographing buildings.



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