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hooked on velvia

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Posts posted by hooked on velvia

  1. Hi Derek,


    You did not mention what city in Florida you would be visiting, but if you will be visiting the Orlando/Disney World area, try Colonial Photo. Here is the info:


    Colonial Photo & Hobby Inc

    634 North Mills Ave.

    Orlando, FL 32803



    Store Hours

    Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM -7:30 PM,

    Friday 9-9, Saturday 9-6


    Telephone 407.841.1485 / 800.841.1485


    FAX 407.423.1246


    It is basically a hobby shop. The staff is very friendly. I bought my 10D from them last December.


    Good luck and enjoy Florida.

  2. Just my two cents ...


    My wife used to take photo trips with me and was using the Rebel 2000. I decided to upgrade the Rebel 2000 to an Elan 7, and she lost interest. She does like the new camera and finds it intimidating (too many dials and buttons).


    So I vote for film and accessories (unless you know for a fact that your friend has been coveting a new camera body). But, here's another suggestion. Get her a Rolleiflex and some Tri-X film. You should be able to find one on eBay for less that $175. The Rollei would open a whole new dimension of photography to her.

  3. "commercial offset printing press and will be in sizes 1/4,1/2 and full page. "


    George, full page of what ... magazine or newspaper?


    Anyway, from my experience with the 10D and previous press and layout experience, I can tell you that the 10D is more than adequate. I don't think you need another camera, but I would suggest you concentrate on lighting and maybe the setting. Will you be shooting in a studio or will you be working outside? Will you have an assistant?


    The printing company might be able to give you more information about printer profiles. See if you can talk to someone in their graphic design or layout office.


    Good luck!

  4. By the way, I like the "Castle Geyser". Nice color, good composition.


    Michael, you're doing the annoying "newbie photographer" thing again. Ready the reviews and read other people's posts and learn from that. And we have already wasted enough "forum space" on this question.


    Seriously, just go through the thread. There is more than ample information to help you decide. Where will you be getting the more to do this? And how much money will you be able to spend? How much money will the nursery owner pay you to do this? (Your dad is not the nursery owner is he?) If he is not, perhaps you can convince him that you are serious about photography and that you will make money from the hobby, and that he should front you the money to buy the equipment you want.


    If you want to see a huge difference in this type of photography, you need to understand that the main variables are lens, lighting, and sturdy tripod, not the camera. The Elan7 vs 10D or Digital Rebel is irrelevent. If that is your only concern, get a point and shoot with a Carl Zeiss lens.

  5. Good Lord man ... you are a baby! (both in life and in photography ... lol)


    Be nice, people will be nice to you. Just remember that there are 18 year olds here, and 60 year old people here too. And as far as experience, you are a two year old. So have a little respect.


    Get the digital, a tripod, and a bunch of books. This forum will only get you so far. I suggest "Photography" (7th Edition) by Barbara London. Also try shooting slides, you will be amazed at the results.

  6. By the way Mike,


    I think you need to get off the high horse. How can you be requesting help from people, but preface your question by scolding people. If you post a question, expect to get helpful and "listen you newbie photographer" type of responses.


    From the information you gave us, I can almost tell that you have no real experience with photography, or printing photos, etc. All of the questions you are asking you could answer for yourself. Only a newbie photographer would be posting something like this. And you don't want to be scolded? Come on Mike, swallow your pride and take your beating like a man. You will get helpful answers, but expect a bit of a whipping.


    Good luck with your decision. Just remember that a huge part of photography is at the processing end as well as the composing. You can take a great shot that can be ruined in printing. And you can take a decent shot and improve it in photoshop or in a photo lab (i.e. dogging, color correction etc.) So why don't you decide what you want and use the information online to decide. You seem to be very concerned about money, so go for the Elan7, it's a wonderful camera. I might recommend a macro lens. It will make a huge difference.


    If you are willing to spend a little more, get the 10D and a 50mm macro. Then learn photoshop to further improve your photos.


    Happy Shooting!



  7. What is your experience with photography? And equipment? Do you own any other Canon equipment?


    The reason I ask is that if you already have film equipment, then you would already know what to expect from a film camera and this would come down to how good of a print you can get from digital. Meaning if you decided to enlarge a photo of a plant or flower to 20x30 how would the print compare from film to digital.


    I own the Elan7 and the 10D and from personal experience I can tell you that film only beats digital at the printing stage. And if you don't need huge prints, digital is so much easier to deal with. I would recommend the 10D for you because of the instant feedback. It will take away much of the guess work you will encoounter with film.

  8. I agree with Michael. Get the 70-200 4L first. Don't worry about the flash unless you plan to shoot indoors a lot. Save your money for film and books. I also also recommend getting to 50 1.8. It is a great lens and it's dirt cheap. It is useful for low-light indoor shots (using a tripod and no flash) and for wide shots. By the way, you should save some money for a good tripod. You don't have to get a Gitzo, but get something good.


    Happy Shooting!

  9. Have you ever tried using your Tokina 80-200mm to figure your desired length. Meaning, shoot a live subject using the zoom set at each of the three lengths to figure out which of the distances you like to work with.


    Based on that, I think you would like the 85mm for posed-intimate portraits, as you can interact with your subject more efficiently. The longer lenses might work best for candid when you don't want your subject to be aware that you making a picture.

  10. #1 rule is to shoot a little before sunset when you have enough light to show some of the foreground.


    #2 because of the size the river, you will need some foreground to get an interesting shot.


    Aside from that, have fun. Try to get there early to scout out a nice location. As Sean suggested, bracket using slide film, and "let the foreground go to a silhouette".

  11. I've been in your position. I went into a store wanting the more expensive EOS 30 and they sold me an EOS300 package (Rebel 2000). Within two months I replaced almost everything that came in the package.


    I assume that since you've made it to this forum that you are or plan to get into the "Advanced Amateur" category. You will find that the EOS 300 is annoying to use when you want to do Time value shots, or Aperture priority shots. Also it's annoying trying to bracket using the EOS 300.


    Don't waste your money, go for the Elan. Or I'll sell you my package which has been collecting dust. lol!


    Happy Shooting!

  12. An Elan 7 is your best bet. I bought a Rebel 2000 and within two weeks and 10 rolls of film, I wanted to upgrade. So I would not recommend anything less than the Elan 7. I've played with the EOS 3 and love that camera as well, but cannot justify spending the extra cash. Good luck.
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