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Image Comments posted by timemaster



    Association of graffiti/model definitely a plus. Urban coolness scale 5/5. Expecting to see more of this model/graffiti association, you got something here. I'm interested. Black and white please. ps. I'm back :)




    Here follows the translation of an article contributed by Italo Calvino, italian writer on the eve of the death of Che Guevara. They both had met in Cuba in 1964.



    The words that failed.


    Italo Calvino



    Translation by El Aid El Othmani Nabil.




    Whatever I have tried to write to express my admiration for Ernesto Che Guevara for how he lived and how he died, it all seemed out of tone. I feel his smile that beams back at me, full of irony and commiseration. Here I am, sitting in my studio, amongst my books, in the feint peace and prosperity of Europe, dedicating a brief interval of my work to writing, without any risk, about a man who has willingly assumed all the risks, who hasn't accepted the fiction of a temporary peace, a man who asked of himself and of others the maximum spirit of sacrifice, convinced as he was, that every sacrifice spared today would be paid for tomorrow with an even greater sum of sacrifices.


    Guevara recalls for us the absolute gravity of everything that regarded the revolution and the future of the world, a radically critical view of every act whose purpose was to put in place our consciences. In that sense he will stay at the center of our discussion and our thoughts, as much alive yesterday, as today when dead.


    It is a presence that doesn't ask of us any superficial consensus nor formal tribute; that would be equivalent to misunderstanding, minimizing the extreme rigor of his lesson. The "line of the Che" demands much of men, it demands much whether as a method of struggle or as a perspective of the society that was to be born out of this struggle. In front of so much coherence and courage in carrying to the ultimate consequences an idea and a life, let us ourselves be modest and sincere, conscious of what the "line of the Che" means - a radical transformation not only of society but above all that of "human nature", beginning with ourselves- and aware of what separates us from putting it into practice.



    The discussion of Guevara with all those who approached him, the long discussion of his brief life (discussion-action, discussion without ever abandoning the rifle), will not be interrupted by his death, it will continue to flow. Even for an occasional and unknown interlocutor (that could have been me, in a group of invitees, an afternoon of 1964, at his Ministry of Industry office) meeting him couldn't remain a marginal episode. The discussions that count, are those that continue albeit silently in thought.



    In my mind, the discussion with Che has continued for all these years, and the more time passed, the more he has been right.


    Even today, dying while putting in motion a never ending struggle, he continues, always, to be right.



    October 1967



    *published in a Italian newspaper few days after the death of Che, this brief text has remained practically unedited.




  2. Spendours of Quranic Calligraphy and Illumination :


    La couleur, en tant que forme, etait utilisee aux memes fins. L'or venait au premier rang et, apres une courte periode de fluctuations, vers le milieu du IV/X eme siecle, le bleu devint preeminent et l'emporta sur le vert et le rouge. Rapidement il devint aussi important que l'or en Orient musulman alors qu'au Maghreb le bleu resta en seconde position.


    Si le bleu libere par Infinitude, l'or, quant a lui, libere parce que, comme le soleil, il est un symbole de l'Esprit et donc, virtuellement, il transcende la monde des formes. L'or, par sa nature, echappe a la forme au point que le calligraphe doit entourer sa lettre de noir afin que sa forme apparaisse effectivement. En tant que couleur de la lumiere, l'or, comme le jaune, est intrinsequement un symbole de la connaissance. Le bleu en presence de l'or est alors la misericorde qui tend a se reveler.


    Thank you for you comment Tristan, this picture is one of my very first experimentation with mirrored images... Sorry about the resolution, better res asap. Its the beach here in Rabat on a sunny sunday evening, packed... Would like to see a beach like this in real life I think... Mirroring it gave some more space to an otherwise 'heavy' image, some interesting details, looks like an angel on the bottom center ?

    lera 1

    After reflection I have decided not to comment on the technical analysis that I undertook by drawing lines and curves on the base image. No need to dissect this work, and if people dont see what I had in mind when I drew the lines, I dont think that what I would have to say would make it anymore comprehensible, now on to the rest of the folder. Regards,



    This one stands out as well, still I got a slight problem with the star on the background and the vertical line that cuts it and 'falls' on the arm. 3 suggestions, I become compulsive when something interests me. Regards,



    on this serie, all of the images are of a single model I suppose. The fact that they display so many approaches is revealing of a great depth of imagination and a sharp optical prism. This is definitely my favorite one in the folio, and that is why I would be pleased to engage a conversation with you about this work on a thread that would take place here. To comment of the body expression, the distortions that seem to take place at breast level are deranging... With the left arm stretched upon the head and not showing, the body seems stretched to the point of dislocation. The hand hiding the pubis seems to be the only protection left against an imaginary rape. Even though there is so much movement in the picture it inspires quiet and calm, in fact the model seems to be quite relaxed. That in itself would make the image stand without any treatment. About the light, contrasts and shades, its all good, notice the shade of the right arm and that of the right breast... Very good lighting. On to the treatment, the colors palette is stunning, if the intention was to render the image cold and chilling, turning a live person into a body that could be found laying on a morgue table and it is indeed well done. Now, and that is the part that I find the most interesting is the symbolique of the image. The apparent cut very similar to those left by a scalpel when a dissection has took place is just that... Seen and seen over and over again. Now, the fact that it continues and seem to cut the hand in two is pure genius I have to admit. The imaginary line of the cut would fall in line with the pubis...You have a seriously deranged mind you know that ? ;) Im waiting to hear from you about whether I understood the work correctly. Regards,
  3. T e l e p o r T

    Dans l'ideal vous disposez d' Internet Explorer 6, les images doivent se fondrent les unes dans les autres. Dans le cas ou vous avez la version 5.5 veuillez laisser la presentation se derouler normalement, puis fermez la fenetre et recommencez. Les images etant localisées dans la cache temporaire cela devrait resoudre le probleme de les voir apparaitre par bandes sequencielles. Je crois qu'elles sont dans l'ordre ici :). A la fin de TeleporT vous serez dans une 'warp zone', confiné a jamais dans un espace temps figé d' ou vous ne pourrez sortir qu'en fermant la fenetre... D'ou le 'warning' qui precede le loop. Durant le loop vous ne manquerez pas j'en suis sur de remarquer le mouvement des bras. Les photons peuvent jouer bien des tours quand les elecrons leur pretent main forte. Vous n'etes pas supposé voir un quelconque mouvement, il s'agit apres tout d'images figées dans le temps et l'espace... Ou ne le sont elles pas ? :) Aussi, le rythme de TeleporT est dicté par le debit de la connection et l'encombrement ou non du backbone d'internet. Je m'aventurerais ici a decrire TeleporT comme etant du Net Art. Bonne Teleportation, j'elaborerais sur les questions que vous avez soulevé a votre retour parmis nous. Mes amitiées sinceres et merci pour l'interet que vous avez maintes fois preté a mes travaux. ps / Le virus dont vous dites avoir ete la victime vous a t il ete addresse par email ? un email intitulé 'Check out theses photos !' provenant de cgi.net ? J' ai recu le meme avec un attachement .exe que j'ai evidement mis a la poubelle... J' ai des details concernant le mauvais esprit. Il s'agit de quelqu'un des Pays Bas, Netherlands. Et je m'occuperais personnellement de son cas quand j'aurais determine exactement de qui il s'agit. Pour l'instant je ne dispose que de son addresse ip, mais c'est tout ce dont j'ai besoin. Pour moi, il ne fait aucun doute que la personne est membre de photo.net Il semblerait que l'on derange pas mal de gens ici :)

  4. Monsieur Gougenheim, vous m'entrainez sur un chemin bien perilleux... :)


    This work was conceived as a serie and the images wouldn't stand alone in my opinion. Maybe they could but teleportation cannot be demonstrated through stillness.


    The dualism between presence and absence, time and space is key to demonstrate, using photography as a vector the effective presence of teleportation in our world.


    Some have made it a myth, a Magna Fabula, but when I see a subject or shape captured in motion due to the longer exposition of the film, I see teleportation. What was there when I depressed the shutter has moved, has vanished.


    Still, on the print, both are present. In the same space, not at the same time. Spaciotemporality is the superposition of 2 tridimensional notions, that of time and space. That gives us 3 factor 3 / 27 factor 2 / 729 variables. Influe on one and you influe on all 728 remaining variables. Manipulating the spacial variables without affecting the temporal one is the one challenge amongst others facing teleportation. Eventually when teleportation is mastered in a static temporal context, we could be looking to teleportation in the past and into the future.


    This is not a myth this is a fact.


    The same fact that explains that we see stars that have disappeared billions of years ago, Photons can teleport because they are light and oppose a scant resistance to matter, they can stream right through matter, or crash unto it & make a ricochet to another direction.


    Thus I am convinced that teleportation will become a tool of the future when we have succeeded in atomizing organical molecules, tunnel them at high speed and reconstruct them on the other end.


    The image you have chosen does somewhat sum up the entire work, I totally agree. All the elements are present. The positive / negative play is to show the incredible versatility of photons.


    Either when we see them through our own eyes or through a photographical prism they remain a mystery, & can have much more aspects then those we are biologically engineered to grasp.


    I guess the confusion would be too great if we could see the universe under its true light. Not one, not two but tens of different spectrums that we know of so far. Positive and Negative are only two of them. Blend them & already the eye is confused, it sees what it is not supposed to see. Also due to the incredible speed of photons they are not supposed to be seen in movement: they depart & reach their destination at the same time on humanly conceivable distances. Billions of light years is a different story. That we are able to capture them on photographical film is the miracle of photography, however a miracle of human proportions... We can only see the print because other photons crash unto it.


    On to the spiritual side of the question, Islam does believe in immortality, that of the soul. The soul, much like photons roam the universe forever.


    The universe is a closed sum of energy and matter. Nothing is generated and nothing is lost.


    With the accurate technology, one that we can only envision in the future & perhaps nanocomputers can be of any help, we would be able to determine the total sum of all energy & components of the universe matter.


    I am sure we would find a fixed number of photons & a fixed number of atoms.


    Apply this to the entity yet to be fully understood & that we call soul, and you have a fixed number of souls. Where did they originate and where are they heading is a mystery beyond humankind's grasp.


    Considering the job humankind did on the planet until now, ie using such a formidable energy as fission to nuke the earth a 100 time over, surely the fact that humankind was left in the dark except for the written words of God, is understandable.


    We are not mature enough as a specie to access any greater dominion then that where we have been confined by more knowledgeable entities. Our concepts of good & evil, right & left, up & down, are plain laughable on an universal scale.


    Absence of light/Death/Negative.




    Teleportation of photons/Teleportation of the soul.


    All energies obey a single law, that of the Creator. The matrix where all there is originated & where all there is returns. Billions of light years are irrelevant to photons, so are they to the soul.


    Our technological attempts at reaching Mars & deep space with rockets is laughable, we should focus on teleportation... Still the coordinates of the destination are missing.


    We have been trapped on this planet... Only our soul can get through to other dimensions.


    I seen in this the work of a very evolved intelligence.


    Back to you Marc. Regards,

    |The Cube |

    Thank you, more details for this picture when I get to scan appropriatly the base image and go over the Cube again. This was done with paintbrush. Maybe some variations to come... People I often wonder... Do you click on the link I posted ? The red link with 'Cube' ?
  5. My cousin has an angelic and devlish face... It is a bit more accentuated in him. The contrast between his good, bright side, and his dark evil one is what I wanted to represent here. The fight between the two is a hard one, his smile is crisped... Well seen. Regards,

    lera 1


    Praxis. Exercise or practice of an art, science, or skill. Half naked subject situated in a diagonal. The expression of the face is that of despair, the viewer looks for the eyes, the reflection of his self and doesnt meet them as they are almost totally obscured. As a result the image reflect despair in return, affecting the mind of the viewer on a subconscious level. Also the logical sight line of the subjet is descending, as our mind recreates it based on the heads position, suggests a downward move, whereas all the other lines of the picture point to an ascendant movement. That creates a confusion in the mind of the viewer as he is looking for fix visual rep?res. The downward sight line that we are genetically conditioned to follow as our eyes constitute our prime conceptional | The capacity, function, or process of forming or understanding ideas or abstractions or their symbols | tool initates in a light area sucking us up in a dark area where the eyes loose all visual reperes, and where the childhoods 'monsters hidden under the bed' kick in, fear of the dark, of the unknown, of the night that equals danger. We are much less gifted then our natural predators if they where give a chance in the dark... A direct appeal to the survival instinct embeded in our genes. The Cylindric structure behind the subject has no delimited proportions suggesting geometrical infinity and that our conditionment of associating time and space equals to temporal infinity. An infinity of concrete and despair. The shape being cylindric and gray is also identifiable to an image that most of us have stored in their subconscient, that of a nuclear chimney. The construction of the work, its strengh and depth make of this image the best work I have seen to date on photo.net, That in itself explains the 3 comments and the 10/10 rating, a first for me, and this analysis that I will complete in due time. The pasted image might be confusing, I will comment on it later. Regards,



    lera 1

    An interwoven combination of parts or elements in a structure or system. After the emotion has passed, I cannot but seize the underlying message of this image, perhaps like me, you too are in a search of identity in this new era. Because your image IS very representative of what may end up known through millenias to come as the Nuclear Era.
  6. Photo of the week... what does it mean ?


    I do not even comment or rate on those when they are already photo of the week. To me they mean that the photo in question has been its been rated 8 or 12 times with high notations and got into an automated system.


    Its the automated system that doesnt mean anything to me.


    Respect to thoses whose works deserve to be diplayed in the photo.net homepage and get there. It surely must be flattering to have one's work seen by hundred thousands of others, and I dont even know if the photographers in question asked for it....


    Well thats photo.net... the dark side of its force is be seen, be seen, be seen :)


    MUCH LOVE to thoses whoses works, hidden beneath the layers of linux and html code of the photo.net capharnaum deserve more attention.


    To me they are the gems I go about searching for from time to time.



  7. The strong points of the picture are the profile and the hand. I placed it a diagonal falling in the middle of the resized image. Of course you cant get that in print, but I guess the statue & Buckingham are still there for a while... Regards.

    ps, very good depth of field.

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