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Image Comments posted by chris_hulett


    Wow, great light. Is it just me, or is everything tilting slightly to the right? Also, I would crop out the edges of the buildings on the left and right.
  1. Brilliant tones on the roof of the church. I'm most struck by the contrast between the intricate, aesthetic design of the church and the boxy, bland modern structure behind it. The branches coming in from the upper left are slightly distracting and disrupt the framing of the buildings.


    reminds me of an orange version of Bucky Kat from Get Fuzzy... The fangs at least. Anyhow, great shot - the pealing paint on the floor makes such nice contrast. I wouldn't consider the background needless, and personaly wouldn't crop the image as has been suggested.

    Paris with Blur


    On top of the Arc de Triomphe and me with no tripod. Dammit. So, this image had a

    considerable amount of shake from my clumsy attempt at bracing the camera on the

    fence... So, a bit of glowing edges and extra saturation in PS and I think it's a pretty good

    painting, especially output on canvas. Please tell me what you think.

    Fun with Birdseed


    Normaly I'm not such a big fan of "cute" photos, especially of kids, but I like this one.

    Parents in Barcelona think it's fun to throw birdseed all around their kids and let the

    pigions traumatize the poor little guys. See also this photo. Anyhow, any critique of this one

    would be appriciated.



    I triped the shutter accidentaly and got this. What do you think of the image, and is the

    edge appropriate? I am very amaturish when it comes to underwater images...

  2. Sorry, I didn't see the title of the photo before I gave my critique. For some reason my browser places the title under the pull down menus in photo-critique. Anyhow, to me if the people are the subject they should be emphasized more. The brightness of the top of the frame pulls my eye away from your subjects in the shadows on the bottom. Beautiful country you've got over there.
  3. Seems very dark and forboding for a scene like this. I don't know if it's just the low-res in this file, but the grain in the sky seems a bit splotchy and the line (scratch?) should be removed.
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