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Image Comments posted by marcin_gadomski

    devil in me


    I’d like to think that I am nobel, kind and righteous. I’d like to think that I will act

    breavely and switfly in times of urgency, despair and death. Very often I reply in my

    head scenes of courage where I am the main hero, saving innocent souls. These are

    nice thoughts, they make me feel better about myself, proud of who I am.


    Until a door opens and I take a better look at myself.



    I'd like to thank all of you for your words of encouragement. They inspire me to work harder and be more critical about what I do.


    I will remove the semicircle:)








    It's a stunning portrait. It's a moment of happiness, a reflection on the essence of being here and now without a burden of uncertainty of the future. It's also a reminder of what is lost in the process of growing up. I am moved by this picture.



    I am fascinated and surprised that there are these strange flashes of

    maturity in

    children eyes. I tried to capture a moment when it happens.


    What hides beyond these eyes? Is it a moment of reflection of reality

    or simply an expression that we adults interpret as we want to?



    I don't feel like making comments on the technical side of this wonderful picture. What I can say is that it tells the story and has mood.


    It makes me think about distant countries and people living there. What are their dreams, expectations? What are their destiny? What's going to happen to these children in the future? Are they happy?


    They are playing in the empty street. Old desolated building in the background. Darkness staring out of the entries to the building.


    It tells the story I like.



    I kinda like this picture. I like the border between the light and the shadow. Definitely there

    is some mood here.


    Unfortunately, the poster and the title spoil everything...

  1. How many more average shots of the sky are out there? Taking not-so-good pictures of the sun is easy.

    Practically what you do is to set the dial in a digital camera to sunrise mode and that's it.


    In my opinion the picture is too dark at the horizon unless the author intended it to be like this.



    Finally real art in this web page, not some lukeworm mambo jambo with horses on the meadows, solar rains and other cliche pictures.


    Strong thing. It may be a blasphemy for some people. But this is what real art is about.


    You are a genius, man.

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