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Image Comments posted by rajiv1

    Orchid 1

    That is the spirit of online forum. Learn and let learn. I find it difficult to shoot flowers and have been spending considerable time to shood decent ones. Lately, I have given up on scanning them and do no have my recent images to showcase. Some day I shall add them. However, do take a look at my pictures too. I's like to know what you think of them. cheers

    Orchid 1


    I guess there are few images of flowers that can really captivate the viewer and this is not one. Issues as follows (IMHO): 1. Dead on Flat feel to the flower. Orchids have extreme details in their structure and your composition spoils the very thing that makes them elegent. 2. Three flowers in the frame do little to improbe anything. 3. Some fill lighting would have been nicet to bring out details now lost in shadows. Probably that may fix some dimensional issue too. 4. The image is also difficult to look at due to the separation along the main diagonal. badly arranged leaf at one side and black on the other...

    5. Sharpness is unwarranted. Unless you wanted it. I'd be pretty comfortable with a softer feel.

    FLowers are difficult to represent well and requires serious thought and control. Keep trying and a suggestion wouold be to isolate one flower and present a nice view.



    Thank You Marie:


    Your words are an encouragement. I guess I am color blind and seem to interpret images better in Monochrome. I hope in the next decade or so to graduate into making good Color images too. As of now, as you have observed, I am working on composition and techniques and BW is a good medium to work without distractions.



    Appreciate your suggestion and it is one I gave a try. The trouble is that it increased the tension and left the picture hanging without much space to for balance. I personally like the fact that the tree supports one end and empty space fades to the right and this crop feels more balanced and enhances the mood I wish to portry. This gives more breathing room and a tighter crop will end up, IMHO, making this image a cliche. cheers!


    Another shot on TCN @200. When I shoot people, I try to engage their attention a fraction before the pictre is taken. Easier said than done, and I am still working on getting positive reactions from people. This kid was probably thinking 'why is this feller pointing the camera at me'. Well after the shot, there was congenial smiles and we parted in good terms.


    I seem to enjoy the smooth texture of TCN. Gets enough shadow details when rated at 200. I should probably tru it at 100 sometime. This photo was shot during a kids carnival and hence the number of distracting elements. This may not be special and is just another street shot but oh well, I like the image and hence is posted for others to see.


    The kid was most probably waiting for her parents out shopping at the nearest shop. She has a wonderful smile and lovely eyes. I picked this out of a set because I seem to like the isolation and the expression that goes along with the bkground. Few hot spots here and there are perfectly fine with me. I should take time one of these days to burn in certain elements. Comments are welcome.
  1. The image was shot along from along the boundaries. Th eprimary purpose was to have a two layered photograph showing the action and the reaction. I picked this out of a number of exposures because for me, the picture demands attention and rivets the viewer to wait for the ball which will never arrive. The batsman, keeper and the umpire (wrong terms but what the heck) are in the classic pose and they along with the audience and the viewer are waiting for the pitcher. I seem to have a Love-Hate relation with Tri-X at this time and am hard pressed to find shots that takes full advantage of the grainy and harsh texture. Comments are welcome.



    I'd like opinions comments and critiques on this image. I do not

    care much for rating and will appreciate comments more. The image

    was setup and produced thus:

    1. Studio shot with 2 flashes

    2. 35mm Provia 400 film, 105mm lens, FM3A camera, f/11, 1/15 sec

    3. Deliberalely set out of focus to create fuzzy edges and shot F/11

    to have even fuzziness over depth

    4. Cropped, Levels adjusted in PS and filter effects added.

    Let me know your comments especially on composition. Thanks very

    much :)


    Thanks Andrew: I guess instead of dodging, a bit of sparkle would be a whole lot more effective. I guess next time, I will carry my flash around for sure :) Cheers



    Hi: I put this up for critique a while back. but just found time to

    fix the contrast and remove the scratches. Please comment. By the

    way, I really appreciate comments much more than ratings.



    Thanks brian: I am pretty unhappy with the dust and scratches too. I guess I will work on it asap and upload a cleaner version. Please do come back, I shall post more of my recent work soon.




    Tell you what i like about this image:

    1. Composition - Daring composition I should say. There are tons of other "half-face" portraits out there. This one (IMO) breaks the norm... the off centered placement of "crop" deepens the expression in the model's eyes.

    2. Lighting - I have no experience doing studio work. But I simply like the light setup

    3. background color: Wierd. But I like the muffled background. The colors together create a very moody combination.

    However, there is one thing I do not get in this image:

    1. The plain space does not seem to provide value to the image. I do not see it conveying any message. Do you have any specific reasons for your crop?

    Cheers on a well shot picture :)

  2. Sports photography is new to me. Further, I do not know the game. I watched the game (and burnt film) for an hour before I figured what I could shoot. Didn't give much of thought of film then. I was sure of shooting it in BW (Sorry Aditya, no color version this time... Will go out again for that.). Will be sure to check out HP5 too. cheers!
  3. My idea for this image was to introduce the structure in the foreground and put it in perspective with the older skyline. Further, since it can be built up a couple of years ago, there have been tons of pictures taken and I wished not to repeat any of those shots. I guess your point is that the lines are too prominent... hmm... Valid point and I concur. Will keep in mind while out shooting again. PS. I have not print the image yet. This is a direct scan from the negative with the structure in the right burnt in...


    Eugene: I guess I see where you are coming from. I shot this image a while back and lookign at it again, I sense the tree to the left can be a little inside the frame. Crop seems a bit brutal in this case. Thanks for pointing, I should be able to repeat the shot soon. I shall post the image soon after... Cheers


    This is superb. The way you have isolated the subject, the sun, shades, expressions, the hands (all 3)... priceless. The only thing that bothers me are the hot spots on teh faces. Well I guess it cannot be avioded. Great image.
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