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Image Comments posted by nozturk

    Celestial Tree

    Shawn, the lack of sharpness is due to the radial blur that I have added to give a sense of "celestial" rotation. This is still work in progress; I'll keep your suggestion in mind. Thanks.

    Morning Bliss


    Mystics tell us that in prayer the human and the divine meet. In the act of ritual ablution, the old man washes himself, of himself and of the world, with water, that pure and purifying elixir of life, as he prepares his soul to ascend to higher spiritual realms. His invocations and supplications rise to heaven to meet the divine barakah which descends down to earth--on the wings of doves. At this very moment, time takes on the color of eternity--it is a 'blissful' moment that lasts forever. It is a moment invisible to us as it can only be experienced firsthand but sometimes an artist's gaze succeedes in capturing that decisive moment and making that invisible reality visible for us. And we are grateful to him for that.


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