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Image Comments posted by snapamhall

  1. conrgats on a very well deserved honor. it's so great to see these beautiful creatures up close, considering they are so awesome to study, yet so hard to come across in this magnitude. your work is educational and unique. thanks so much for sharing it.

    shadow play

    thanks so much for your comments on my recent folder additions. when i scanned this one, the color was right on my computer. now, looking at it on another monitor they seem altered. the original is a very soft nice magenta/rouge. i'd tweak it in ps, but i recently moved (hence the delayed response) and i'm between computers at the moment, so i have no way to alter it. thanks again for your comments- they are always appreciated.


    Sure, I'd love to explain it, it's pretty simple if you have the right equipment. Start by shooting color slide film, take color slides and put them in a polaroid daylab machine, using polaroid 669 film. Once you transfer the images to the film from the slides (via daylab), take the picture and put it in boiling water for about 4 minutes, then put it in regular temp (70ish) water. While in the boiling water, the emulsion bubbles up and after placing it in cooler water, you can just "push" the image right off the film, then your left with a floating image you can put on any surface. I've used watercolor paper a lot, or you can use cd covers, brown paper bags, wood, brick- whatever you want. I hope this is clear. :)


    All valid points as always, but I would raise this question to you- my reason for not cropping the left side more was the existing symmetry with the banisters on either side. Do you think cropping it would aid and not hinder the composition? I always like your advice, thanks for offering it.


    Getting closer to the statue would mean sacrificing the line made by the lights on top.. I'm not sure if I'm willing to do that. This photo holds so many "if I improve it this way, I'll lose it that way" aspects to it. It's tricky.
  2. I remember seeing this one some time ago, and my feelings towards it have since not changed. I still find it as compelling as I did before. At first glance, you see a beautiful arrangement of color and line, with a closer examination reveiling the structure peppered with bullet holes. Contrast (in every sense of the word) is observed in this photo. The color also brings it to life. Yellow is one of the happiest colors we have, and here it's juxtaposed with one of the most detrimental situations humans can bring upon themselves and their neighbors. Great POW choice Elves, and wonderful shot John- congrats.


    i really like the use of line and contrasting colors in this shot. nice work. I wish the moon was more to the left, though.. it's distracting how close it is to the edge.
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