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Posts posted by chris_buchanan

  1. I recently obtained a 135mm and 45mm Pentax lens.

    1. The 135mm is used and I notice it renders color differently then my 105mm lens when shooting identical scenes. Both are the older style, could one be coated differently? I use transparency film and viewed the exposures side by side on a light box, the color difference is very obvious. Blues are bluer, haze is less with the 135 lens. No filters etc, used




    2. The 45mm lens is consistently underexposing my transparencies. (I would say at least 2 stops) I thought that there must be a meter and or coupling problem going on, but that appears normal. The 43mm is the new style. Any thoughts as to why. I use only the meter in the P67.

  2. Paal, was that David Muench who did the postcards you mentioned in OP. I think you will be impressed with this "postcard photog" if you take a look at one of his books. There are no postcards in the books I own by David Muench. I have never subscribed to OP. I always buy several magazines of the ones I'm considering first. Its at the point where my favorite magazines are bi-monthly or quarterly, not neccesarily just photog. magazines. Peter Pflasterer has it right though, I agree with his opinion. When I listen to the radio, TV, read a newspaper, I can always turn it off, switch the station, or put it down, I love that option, always works.
  3. Mike, I switched internet providers and now use Netscape, guess what?

    It's now two days later and I still haven't finished scrolling to the right to read . Let me know if you get it figured out. Thanks, Mark

  4. Let me start this question like this, I have used 35mm many years, it was only 2 weeks ago that I tried out MF, a used Pentax 67, 105mm lens. Question is, after several rolls of film, 120 velvia, I notice that the DOF is considerably less then 35mm for a comparable aperature and lens. I am still at the "familiarization stage" with MF and would ask for your thoughts in this area.
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