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Posts posted by jeff_rivera5

  1. Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to stick with my current setup and may or may not bring the 50mm on non-primarily photo related trips. As to the quality of the 75-300 zoom, at f8 it's quite good for my purposes. And for the price I paid I can afford that much more travel.



  2. I know ultimately I'll have to decide on my own but thought I'd solicit opinions. When traveling primarily for non photography/leisure reasons what lenses would you take? I have a 24mm f2.8 AIS, a 50mm f1.4 AIS, a 35-70 f2.8 AFD, and a 75-300 AFD. I can fit all this plus some filters, a mini tripod, and an extra battery into a Timbuk2 small messenger bag. But, it weighs a ton and with the 75-300 in the bag, the balance is thrown off a bit and it just barely fits standing up.


    I'm thinking of dropping it from my everyday carry/light travel kit and only bringing it when I'm reasonably sure I'm going to be shooting birds or anything else that I need the reach for. Of course the downside is what if I miss (insert X cool bird or car or plane or whatever) a photo? I am leaning toward leaving it behind most of the time. The other option it so leave the 50mm behind, but you still have the ungainliness and size of the tele-zoom.


    Thoughts? My photos fall into the general travel/landscape/people mode with the zoom getting the bulk of the work.

  3. I will being going on a family trip (wife, kiddies, and me) to Zion

    and then Bryce NP for about 10-14 days over Thanksgiving. I am looking

    for suggestions of interesting and lesser-known photographic subjects

    in the area. I am also interested in general suggestions on how to

    interpret an area that has been photographed heavily in new ways. I

    have a few of my own already, and will share some of my successes (and

    failures) when I return.


    Any feed back is appreciated.

  4. I've been thinking about this off and on ever since I got my Pentax

    DSLR. Does anyone know anything about this?


    I emailed Gandy and he said he doesn't have them (though it is

    mentioned on his site, he only has Nikon and EOS). It shouldn't be

    too difficult to mix M39 to M42 to Pentax K adapters with the right

    spacing. Are the viso lens heads threaded M39?


    Anyhow, if you have any info, I'd appreciate it.

  5. What really sucks is that you could get an Eico HF-81 integrated amp kit for about $75, put it together, learn something, and have a stereo that was just awesome!!!! Have you priced those things lately on eBay?


    And of couse, I missed all of it!!!!! Didn't get the tube bug until recently so now I'm digging into old books, learning to read schematics, and will hopefully build a pair of PP 6BQ5 monoblocks early next year.

  6. If I've missed a post with the search function that addresses this,

    I'm sorry.


    I find myself using my 70-210 f4.5-5.6 KAF quite a bit with the Pentax

    DSLR. However, it really starts to get soft the closer you get 210.

    Therefore I want to add either a better tele-zoom or prime.

    The 3 combo's I'm considering:


    Pentax 200 f2.8, 1.4 and 2x converter.


    Pentax 300 f4.5, 1.4 converter.


    Pentax 80-200 f2.8 zoom, 1.4 and 2x converter.


    I'll be using these to shoot my kids at the park (my son is so camera

    distracted that the further away I am the better) and wildlife (Desert

    bighorns, raptors).


    I was leaning toward the 200 2.8 which would give 300 f4, 400 f5.6,

    and 560 f8 (stacked converters). The big question there is how well

    are the converters matched to the lens, ie what fall off in performace

    do you get? The 350 is supposed to be a nice lens too, but that might

    be to long for some of my work (remember 1.53X).


    Pentax 80-200 f2.8 is supposed to be nice. I'm wondering about

    sharpness at the long end. It should be better than the 70-210 lens I

    have now (which is regarded as a decent lens), but might not be a

    whole lot better.


    Any one want to give me their two cents?

  7. I?ve been using Windows XP for the past 2 years and I?m tired of it.

    The constant patches, the security woes, all the updating, it?s pain

    (I don?t think Microsoft is evil, just sloppy). Anyhow, I want to

    explore switching over to linux. I need it to be fairly plug and play

    since I?m NOT a command line expert.


    Here?s my setup:


    UMAX SCSI scanner running Vuescan.


    HP 7660 printer. I?ll be adding a designjet as soon as they have one

    that uses the gray inks.


    My editing program is Corel Draw/Photopaint 9. I?ll be upgrading to

    11 at some point.


    Can this be easily configured to run on linux (I think Photopaint can

    be run under WINE)? Has anyone done this who is less than a computer

    expert? What linux distribution is the most user friendly?


    I?m not opposed to having to tinker a little bit (considering I spend

    an hour or so a week keeping XP updated). Any thoughts?

  8. Well, I've monkeyed around with it and can't get it to work. I think it's a memory problem. So...I want to send the MSI board back and get one with the Nforce2 and integrated GeForce4 graphics along with some pc3200 (will that work?). Problem is the two boards recommended MSI and ASUS won't allow returns, only exchanges at newegg. I'm not comfortable with that. Biostar has a board for $64 with those specs. Any thoughts?


    I need something I can return, because I'm only giving it one more go, if it dosen't work, I'll send the whole lot back and struggle a long with my slot 1 system that has never given me a lick of trouble in 6 years (I can wait for 15 minutes a scan, 5 minutes to unsharp mask)!




    (PS power supply is good, it worked great in the celeron system)

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