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Posts posted by pookiebear1

  1. Paul,

    I know this guy who is a distributer for a "3 pass" digital system.

    It is used in a Studio Setting and for the most part is used to

    make catalogs / product shots. Cost: $25,000 . I am not big into

    Digital Imaging. The occasional digital "snapshot" camera. To

    make a living, I don't shoot Products, but if I did, I would probably

    spend at least $25,000 on a system. It would pay for itself in

    about 1-2 years--- film and processing add-up, and if you are

    shooting LOTS of products, <i>chromes and E-6 processing

    add-up fast!<i>


    Maybe the images in view camera would have looked more

    impressive if you saw the prints, instead of reproductions of

    them. On this forum people complained of so-so printing a few

    issues ago ( "Azo Issue").


    Could it be that Amatures or Pro-Amatures because they aren't

    doing it for a client or for big-bucks are able to shoot better work

    and put their heart n'soul into the final image. A camera that

    takes a digital image, or an image using film is just a tool.

    Expensive tools don't alway make better images.

    On the same note, it is easy to spot a REALLY BAD DRIVER

    driving an expensive car, isn't it?



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