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Posts posted by matt_orth

  1. I had a few problems with my 540EZ; the flash head didn't zoom, and

    the exposure just wasn't right. It seems that I hadn't tightened down

    the wheel on the flash foot; once I did, it started zooming again and

    subsequent rolls were well exposed. There was no obvious sign that it

    wasn't working right (except of course for the lack of zooming); I

    guess that's just something to add to our "ready to shoot?" checklist.

  2. Colin:




    Guide Number = f stop x flash-to-subject distance




    The "official" GN for the 380 is 100 (in feet, 100 ASA is assumed)




    To check to see what the actual GN is, use 100 speed slide film, and

    take some pictures at 10 feet with the flash on full power manual (is

    this an option with the 380? I'm not familiar with that flash).

    According to the official GN, you would need an f stop of 10 (10 ft x

    f10 = 100 GN). Bracket the pictures around f 10. (Don't use any type

    of flash modifier, Sto-Fen, Lumiquest, etc; just bare flash). TAKE





    When you get the slides back, see which setting gave the best

    exposure. Then plug that fstop into the formula and you'll find the

    actual GN for your flash. Of course, ceiling height, nearness of

    walls, color of ceiling and walls will all affect the GN.




    TTL flash is a lot easier than messing with GNs and f stops -- I've

    recently moved from a Vivitar 283 on Canon FD's to an A2e with a

    540EZ, and WOW is flash effortless now. But it's still important to

    understand the theory so you know when you have to out-think the


  3. Anybody know where I can find a chart that lists which lens hood fits which EOS lens?




    Specifically, I'm looking for a lens hood to the original 50 1.8 lens (metal mount, distance scale). According to a comment in the static pages (yes, I checked there already) this lens takes the ES-65 hood; I've located a store with an ES-65 II hood. I assume that these aren't the same, but I can't get to the store to try it myself.




    Please, no guesses -- anybody know for sure?

  4. I just bought the 70 for my mother-in-law (no jokes, please, she's a

    great lady). It does have a spot mode, and a flash off setting (as

    well as flash-when-needed, flash-always, slow-sync flash, and red-eye





    It turns on when you open the cover, which eliminates the need for

    another button. The only problem is that if you're holding the pop-up

    flash shut by mistake, it won't turn on. It took me awhile to figure

    that one out.




    I took a test roll; it's still at the lab so I don't know what the

    results actually look like. But it seems like a real handy little

    camera; if it had some sort of exposure compensation it would be


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