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Posts posted by dorothy1

  1. T/90 was not designed for such modification and it would be a

    formidable challenge. I doubt anyone at any earthly price will attempt

    such a job because of the special nature of the half silvered center

    center of the mirror, the way the light path works for spot metering

    and probably other technical considerations. A practical and even more

    useful idea is to buy a Canon F-1n body used as your mirror- lockup

    body. Or a working model of the Canon EF. Both of these Canon

    models,and the earlier FT series had simple to use mirror lockup with

    a flick of a lever,along with other good features, use all the FD

    lenses. These older camera bodies are plentiful on the used market and

    affordable, in the$ 200-300 range lately. For a few hundred more,

    consider a new F-IN body.

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