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Posts posted by chun_cheung_yim

  1. Hi All,




    I have recently bought a new lens for my EOS50E but after swapping the lenses for a couple of times, I noticed some fine dust particles have got in between the prism and the viewfinder. I was wondering if anyone have experience in getting rid of those (it's kinda annoying to see little fine white hair / spots appearing in the viewfinder whenever I try to compose a picture)...




    I have tried using a blower and a vacuum cleaner to try to blow and suck them out but it seems to make it worst (basically more particles have gone in). If anyone have any experience in getting rid of the dust, I would be interested to know (that is without sending in the camera for an open-up cleaning -- although I have a feeling I may have to do that anyway)...




    Thanks for listening.




    Cheung =)

  2. Hi Klaus,




    Thanks for your reply. I have tried using the FTM function as you

    suggested and it seems to work to some degree. But now it leads to

    2 more questions:




    1. In the case where an AF has achieved focus (with one of the red

    square lids up - I am using the eye control feature in the 50E),

    turning the rear focusing ring may cause the "in focus indicator" to

    go away in the view finder. And in one shot mode if the "in focus"

    indicator goes away even though I have depressed the shutter button

    fully it would not allow me to take the picture. And that leads to

    the question - how would such FTM adjustment help if I cannot take a





    2. In the case where no initial AF can be achieved (due to lack of

    contrast or whatsoever), would it be able to use FTM to try to assist

    the camera to focus?




    Thank you once again for listening.





  3. Hi All,




    I have been puzzled about how I can use the FT-M focusing on my 28-105 USM lens. According to the manual that comes with the lens it says one should not turn the rear focusing ring when it is moving. But without turning that how could I do the full-time manual focus?




    I have seen several fuzzy answers for this question on the web and it seems that FT-M is only recommended in shooting modes other than the "One Shot" mode. Is that true?




    If anyone could give me an example on how to use the FT-M feature without damaging the lens I will be very interested to know.




    Thanks for listening.




    Cheung =)

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