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Posts posted by tony_mclean

  1. Ctein wrote a very interesting and comprehensive article for 'Darkroom

    User' (the U.K magazine, now known as Camera & Darkroom) a couple of

    years ago in which he proved that the spectral response of V.C. papers

    in combination with many enlarging lenses, introdoced a focus shift of

    up to 12mm, even though the grain appeared sharp through a high

    quality focus finder.

    He suggested shimming the base of a focus finder in stages to

    determine the sharpest

  2. If you are using the traditional (develop out) palladium printing

    approach with ferric oxalate as the iron based sensitiser then the

    latent image is not all that obvious. It depends to some extent on how

    much residual moisture is left within the sensitised paper after

    drying. Don't worry it is almost impossible to assess the correct

    exposure based upon the feint latent image. Make a test strip using

    equal amounts of the palladium salt and ferric oxalate, expose to a

    u.v source or the sun and develop the strip in potassium oxalate or

    ammonium citrate, wash and clear as instructions and dry the test

    strip before making your assessment of the correct exposure. I can not

    give you a recommended time because it depends on a number of factors

    including the density of your negative. If you wish to conatact me off

    list for further advice then please feel free

  3. Has anyone any experience of using a Nikkor 120 SW lens for 8x10? I am

    aware of the tight coverage but what about fall off at the corners. Is

    this particularly noticeable? Any other tips would be greatly


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