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Posts posted by skip_roessel

  1. I've gone 5x7 for a year or two, never found such a tank, look tho' I

    might. Tried dip and dunk with stainless steel racks in open tanks. I

    had trouble managing more than a few, scratching negs, etc.




    Wound up with a Jobo 3005 (five exposures) tank, rotated on an old

    motorized Unicolor base. This works like a charm, even with pyro.

    You don't need the whole Jobo machine. Just a funnel with a 30-degree

    bend in the snout (plastic funnel, reshaped in boiling water.)




    Before I found my Unicolor roller on eBay ($20) I rolled the tank to

    and fro in my bathtub. That was tedious, though.

  2. It's nice to see how digital is advancing, and it's obvious that

    silver-based photography is in retreat for commercial/industrial

    applications. I'm a cinematographer, and video has eaten my lunch





    In my opinion, these days, if you're setting up a view camera, you're

    not doing it to make money. It's an avocation, maybe a passion. I

    shoot tape as well as film to make a living, and budget constaints

    force us to shoot more tape, less film. Not just tape, but DV instead

    of Betacam, then not just DV but miniDV!




    I just finished a job shot with a handicam miniDV and a fine time and

    much money was had by all. My response to this experience was to rush

    out and get a 7x17 camera... 5x7 wasn't big enough! Call me a

    Luddite, I guess.




    As a publisher Steve Simmons has a business to run. But if it

    develops that digital is where View Camera is going, hopefully classic

    large-format will find another magazine venue. Maybe seven bucks an

    issue won't be enough...

  3. I've had my MQC for a year and found the tilts were easy to use; a

    little experience was necessary to learn how much to load the locks

    when tightening them.




    But I have found the swings difficult to keep sufficiently tight, as

    it's tough to get purchase on the knurled thumbscrew. I was horsing

    around with this on a shoot last week and was pondering whether to

    introduce something in there that would grab better: perhaps a tiny

    ring of fine sandpaper or maybe a bit of honey or corn syrup. Dancers'

    rosin? Bubble gum, dissolved in gasoline and painted on?




    But my wife thinks if I put gum or sugar in the joint I'll wind up

    dunking the camera in boiling water to reset the controls.





  4. 200 counts of gamma a minute! Almost makes me think twice about

    flying in commercial aircraft (at least above 35,000 feet).

    Wait! No problem! I'll just book flights that last less than two

    hours (One per year in normal latitudes, or .2 per year over the South





    Radon in the basement, on the other hand...

  5. I called Keith last week for a minor part and he mentioned than his

    machine shop subcontractor had received a directive (an order they

    couldn't refuse, legally) from the Pentagon to fabricate parts for

    some military system: ABM prototype, or a spy satellite, or some such

    malarkey. Naturally if true these people would have no incentive not

    to re-order parts remade 'til the cows come home. I wish I was a





    For the moment I'll shoot 5x7 and crop the top and bottom.

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