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Posts posted by michael_krause

  1. Could someone out there please clarify which Kodak Ektar lenses will work correctly with a Tachihara 4x5 field camera . . . I've discovered that many of these lenses were made for other formats and will not provide the needed coverage area or allow for some movements. I would be using the lenses for landscape, some close-up and medium to long telephoto shots. Thank you! Mike
  2. Brian: Thank you for the information . . . I gather that the hole

    diameter will be determined by the thread diameter of the particular

    shutter, which fits through the hole in the lensboard? Could a pair

    of calipers be used to determine the hole size and then, the only

    problem would be figuring out how to cut a hole to that size? Also,

    would 1/8" sheet aluminum be a good material from which to make a

    lensboard? Anyone have input on this? Thanks! Mike

  3. Could anyone explain to me the relationship between lensboards and the various types of shutters mounted on lenses. For instance if your lens has a Copal #0 shutter, do you need to make sure that your lensboard will fit a #0 shutter? And do you simply purchase a variety of lensboards to fit the various shutters or will any lensboard accept any type of shutter? Thank you!
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