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Posts posted by peter_j._hanlon1

  1. Greg,you have one of two possibilities: first, is the very early Summarons were made without "eyes" for M3's and bring up 50 frame AND work with the rangefinder BUT need an auxilary viewfinder; second is you have a lens that originally had the "eyes" but someone removed them, this will NOT work correctly with the rangefinder. The later lenses without "eyes" brought up the 35 frames and worked with rangefinder.
  2. Bernd, there is only one place I've used to service my vintage Leica

    gear and they're in Canada - Gerry Smith at Kindermann. I have no

    hesitation in refering people to him - good work and an honest

    fellow.As for the Summar, I currently have two and would suggest that

    given their value, for a lens to use, it would be more cost effective

    to purchase a "used" one in good shape rather than re-condition

    yours. But, talk to someone like Mr. Smith and they can advise on


  3. Just came back from a short visit in town. Shot some pics with Leica

    C s/n 59000's circa 1931 with Elmar of same vintage. I am the third

    owner of this camera, previous owner purchased it second hand in

    London during WW2 and it was his regular camera until I acquired it.

    I run a roll through it roughly 3 times a year, works wonderfully and

    makes me slow down and enjoy photography.

    • Like 1
  4. I use 3 different systems, LSM's for fun and M & N(ikon) for serious

    stuff. My inclination is to try to have complimentary systems (better

    bang for the buck) rather than simply duplicate lens'. For the M4-P I

    have 35-50-90.For the N I use 28-50-200 with closeup tubes and 2power

    multiplyer to give added flexibility. The only lens that is

    duplicated is 50 and it is so handy that I don't feel it wastes $'s.

  5. For anyone who wears glasses and shoots with a LTM camera, the reason

    for the viewfinder (even with a 50) is simply that the auxillary

    finders present a larger and easier to see image. If I remember the

    image correctly the shooter does not wear glasses but even for those

    with good eyesite the use of an aux. finder allows quicker framing.

    One manufacturer of such style finders was Walz (looks a lot like the

    one in the picture).

  6. To our neighbours in the USA, our thoughts & prayers are with you

    this evening. I spent the afternoon with our Emergency Measures

    Group, preparing for flights redirected and to ensure that people

    arriving on cruise ship from States arriving in our harbour would be

    met by people trained to assist in such grief. This evening my family

    attended church and offered our prayers to the families affected by

    such horrible events. All peoples are affected by such terrible

    events. We must strive to make the world better for our children.

  7. Jeff, with either of the problem lens mounted, focus at infinity,

    then run the focus all the way to 1 meter. Watch the bright frames,

    if the weak side seems to come and go in intensity, then the internal

    adjustment on the mask is a little off. I noticed this with my M 4-P

    and mentioned it to the folks at Kindermann the last time I had it

    serviced. They paid special attention to cleaning / adjusting the

    finder and the problem is now gone.

  8. Good day! I'm a civil engineer by profession. Been shooting photos

    since grade 8. By 1972 I had sold enough of them to buy my first

    Leica (secondhand M3 with dual range Summicron). Currently use Leica

    C, IIIa, and M4-P (and sometimes borrow my wifes Nikon FE).

    Unfortunately, I haven't set up the darkroom in just over twenty

    years (but I've kept all the gear and will set it up someday).

  9. Enrique, I had a similar problem a number of years ago with a M3.

    Dispite the collar around the lens release button, I would sometimes

    find the lens ready to fall off. My simple solution was to remove the

    button (M3 had a screw in the middle of the button), check that the

    tab was rectangular & not too worn smooth), stretch the spring a

    little, reassemble and very slightly bend tab up so it clearly

    engages lens. If I recall the M4 the button was very much the same

    without the collar.

  10. Jorge,

    From my last trip to Montreal, there is no good choice there (the

    place I used to use closed a number of years ago) but if you get to

    Toronto or even Ottawa the selection improves. In Toronto try Vistek

    or Alt, both are on Queen St. In Ottawa, try Camera Exchange 2 on

    Bank St. All of these companies have web sites and I've delt with

    each.I have no problems to report with any.

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