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Posts posted by rebecca_coghlan

  1. hey, big kev.




    water marks most often don't rewash well.




    did you use photoshop to retouch the shots?




    the idea of retouching is kinda antiquated and expensive if you already have photoshop. but i know it would be nice to have some analog prints.




    do you do your own printing?




    i recently made some brownie still lifes, and the dust fell onto my negs from the camera before they were even exposed, but it actually authenticated them.




    i think they tell a story..call me artsy, but i think they would be nice printed as they are (provided the subject is identifiable.)




    think about it.


  2. hey, rob.




    you could try cutting some 35 mm tranny in the dark and laying it across the plate, and blu tacking it at the top and bottom..




    get it processed as a clip test so it will be cheap, and maybe you will have three positives to marvel at..three parts of the same scene, like a tryptich.




    then you could either have them printed or make contacts out of them..very nice..i know people who make bookmarks for their friends out of old contact sheets..a bit crafty, but i just thought i would set your head going.

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