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Posts posted by andrew10

  1. I have been using my Z2X for over a year. The lens can get flarey at times. I wonder if anyone has used or made some sort of lens hood to rectify this problem? Also the flash seems to have got weaker than it used to be, even at reasonable distances. Anyone has the same experience? I always use ISO 400 film with it.
  2. ....and just about the only thing that prevents me from replacing my

    flaring, slow-sync M6TTL with the Bessa R2 is the latter's finder. A

    Voigtsina finder magnifier would do the trick in a snap (no pun.)

  3. Patrick: why, thank you! :)




    Johann: if Mr Kobayashi is as shrewd as I believe him to be, there

    will be such a magnifier, UNLESS he considers the niche already

    served by the Bessa T.




    BTW, I really wonder how the T is selling. The grey 101 Aniv model

    is great to look at, but a real pain to use. IMHO, a worthy

    counterpart to the M5 of some 30 years ago.

  4. ...or neglibible:




    Contax and Nikon rangefinders had the same mount but a slightly different back focus. The wide-angles were interchangeable (thus the new Voigtsinas lenses also useable on both) but the longer the focal length, the more incompatible they were.




    Now why does the Konica Hexar RF's initial back-focus problem affects the wide-angle Leica lenses more than longer lenses?

  5. Lacey's right - just want to add that one can always get "proper"

    head shots with the Minilux with a little cropping. In fact, I would

    prefer a 40mm lens to a 50mm for portraits, because I can stay closer

    to the model when doing full-lengths and the lens is still long

    enough not to look like a wide-angle.




    The Minilux Zoom has a far slower lens and doesn't allow for exposure

    control apart from the EV compensation.

  6. Well John, I don't think it's by coincidence that you have so much

    (more or less) collectible models. Also, you probably know how much

    each of them is worth. So my take is this: just decide how much $$

    you need and sell the one which is most likely to bring this sum of


  7. Skip: vow, your hood just keep costing more and more relative to your

    lens! Besides, when has Leitz/Leica_ever_"publish the lowest price

    possible"? It's more like the highest price possible! ;-)




    Stefan: yeah that's an ugly barrel all right. Anyway, the whole 101

    Anniv Bessar T set is aimed solely at the collector. The T's

    accurate rangefinder without a coincidental viewfinder is a pain to

    use, and the stellar-performing Heliar is slow as a snail for the

    focal length, especially if you don't use ISO 400 or faster film.

  8. Skip,




    Yes those damned caps and odds-n-ends are a rip-off even when they're

    from Nikon, many times more so with Leica. I'm glad you like the

    price of your Voigtsina hood which I knew to be well made. Still, it

    comes to ~12% of the price of your lens and to me, it's too much.

    (Hack, I won't even get the 12575 for my Tele-Elmarit, not even

    used.) Voigtsina just don't make the hoods as good value as their

    lenses. The free, tiny hood won't do any good so the $49 model is

    the only choice.

  9. Come to think of it, I guess the Minox 35 would get a lot of (if not

    the most) approval from Oscar. He wouldn't mind the

    plasic/polycarbonate/fibre glass/whatever as long as it's sturdy

    enough. After all, he aimed for a small and light camera while

    designing the Leica.




    Other possible candidates (with lens-interchangeability) are the

    Olympus Pen F and the Pentax 110 SLR. They are way more viable with

    present film technology. A pity there ain't no more 110 film. The

    APS format won't last for long, either

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