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Posts posted by lawrence_nieland

  1. I have used Konturs extensively, most notably the square version for

    6X6 format with 75-80mm lenses on folding 120 cameras. The built in

    viewfinders of these cameras are notoriously smallish, and there no

    options as with 35mm finders. I see three advantages 1. For eyeglass

    wearers there is a huge advantage, due to the physically larger size

    of the Kontur. 2. Viewing Speed (assuming prefocus or scale focus) and

    3.Because you keep both eyes open, it acts as a sports finder, that is

    you can see outside the perifery of your current framing - which is

    good for moving subjects - but also gives me added confidence in

    composing. The down sides are, because it moves the viewing further

    away from the lens, there is greater parallax associated with close up

    work. Also, your overall speed is slowed down, as you must focus and

    view in two operations. But if you can prefocus and maintain that

    distance, or focus near infinity you ar

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