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Posts posted by kai_reed

  1. I am not a photographer so I cannot comment on Michael�s �technical�

    abilities. But I am a close friend and I can comment on Michael the

    man and I do know how Michael makes his photographs, having been in

    the field with him many times. Michael does NOT use artificial

    light, he has always said he doesn�t have to, that there is nothing

    that can improve what God has created. Michael packs an 80-90lb.

    pack into the most remote places, then he waits, sometimes days, or

    he returns over and over and over again. He is intimate with the

    places he photographs, he knows them through all the seasons, he

    loves them deeply. And that is what he is trying to portray, the

    magnificence of the land and how it touches his soul. Yes,

    Michael �runs� a business, but he doesn�t care about the money, what

    he does care about is sharing his passion. This is not just hype,

    this is the absolute truth. I worked for Michael last fall in his

    gallery in Springdale and even I was amazed at the impact his

    photographs had on the people who walked into his gallery. Because

    of the proximity to Zion Nat�l Park, people from all over the world

    visited the gallery, many had heard of Michael, but I would say most

    just discovered him for the first time. No one was untouched. All

    you have to do is stand in front of one of his images and you can see

    his soul. He has nothing to hide. He writes what he feels- no, he

    is not an accomplished author, he never went to school to learn to

    write, all he can do is express what is in his heart. He is totally

    honest, totally real, he doesn�t know how to be any other way. The

    incident at Arches has devastated him. He is the last person who

    would intentionally damage the land, the mission of his life is to

    preserve and protect and to share. From the very beginning he has

    taken total responsibility for his actions, he has spent hours with

    the NPS answering questions, trying to work with them to rectify what

    happened. I don�t understand all this negative energy that is

    directed at him, especially by people who don�t know him. Why is it

    that some people need to tear others down to feel good about

    themselves. Michael has never attacked another photographer, never

    criticized their work, and especially never attacked them

    personally. All he wants to do is let his work speak for him, and it

    does, straight to your heart if you�re willing to listen.

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