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Posts posted by jean_david_borges1

  1. I have used the 50mm Nocton and the 35mm Voigts on my M6 ttl before

    I could afford used Leica Summicrons. The results at least in BW are

    to me, virtually indistinguishable from the 'crons, at least at f4

    and up. The construction, however, is light years below Leica

    quality. They become a bit loose after a while, the (in my case)

    black fades and the fit to the bodies leaves to be desired. Those

    failings in no way affect the picture quality, mind you.

    For me, those lenses were a godsend when money was a bit tight as

    each cost me about 1/3 of a Leica 'cron in excellent condition (and

    be advised that you need the appropriate adapter from screw to

    bayonnet for use on an M; Voigt makes excellent ones). They now

    reside on my IIIf. You can find them on Ebay for about $250 each and

    that cannot be beaten.





  2. I am assuming shot #1 was intended with cameraman as main sub. If

    so, I think it is valid from a color balance and surely from a

    compositional pov. I woould have preferred to have had the main

    interest reversed.

    Shot #2, I love. It is well composed, with nice color balance and





    BTW, your Hassy book is my bible when it come to my Hassy (501CM).

    Some of the shots in there are simply beautiful.





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