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Image Comments posted by charles_daniels

  1. Seems a bit low in contrast and washed out looking, but I like the composition and the mood. I'm a big Cartier-Bresson fan, and know how difficult it can be to get an interesting composition from people wandering randomly around. Like the picture, wish it were tonally stronger.
  2. Clever concept, even if the attitude isn't. Seems to me there's a superabundance of pink posies dripping with dew, craggy trees and misty mountains, all getting their fair share of the ratings around here... there's plenty of amateur scenery trying to pass itself off as 'Fine Art". Postcard art more like, (yawn)and if the ratings are really that important to you then you're taking pictures for the wrong reasons anyway. There's plenty of bad nudes on photo.net just like there's plenty of bad 'everything else'. It all follows Sturgeon's Law (90% of everything is crap). Personally I think taking pictures of people, clothed or unclothed and doing it well is more challenging (and to me, more interesting) than pictures of flowers, trees, birdies, caged animals and misty mountaintops. I also think that the people who go around describing simple nudity as 'porn' are really just flaunting their own pinched, repressed view of sexuality and complaining because other people aren't as unhealthy as they are. Obscenity is in the mind of the beholder.


    So now that you've put two pair of tits on your VW, do you think you should get double ratings? Oh and your comment about 'making a photo black & white does not make it Fine Art"... I couldn't agree more.


    I've got nothing useful to add, I just have to put something in this box so I can give it the rating it deserves...


    Nice composition. It's almost too obvious to mention, but it would have been nice if you'd been able to avoid cutting off the edge of the tree. Sometimes it's so hard to get everything in the frame just right and still capture the moment, eh?
  3. Thanks for the positive comments. As to the shadow, I have to disagree... for one, I LIKE shadows, and two we were trying to go for a sort of a dark 'film noir' look, where the shadow is appropriate. I have some second thoughts about the secondary shadow lower down, and I may think about removing it. The 'spots' are the lace veil that comes down over her face, it is part of the hat... and indeed it is hard to make out at the maximum image size available here. It shows up adequately on the print, though I could try emphasizing it a bit more. I may post a 'detail' image from this shot just to see if it makes it any clearer.


    Thanks again for the feedback.

  4. Sorry to be contrary, but I don't think this is a particularly attractive or interesting image, and I think that the sole quality that makes it noteworthy is the celebrity status of the subject.


    The framing is too tight, the lighting is particularly unflattering, the expression is somewhere between impassive and unpleasant, and the only mood it expresses to me is that of a convict's mug shot. All that's missing is the second full face shot with the numbers underneath his chin.


    I have to assume after looking at the other images in Paulo's portfolio, that as a previous poster commented, the award is going more to the photographer than the photo, as he has some truly beautiful and expressive images that are more deserving of the POW honor than this one.


    Sorry to be so blunt...congratulations nevertheless, on the recognition and the other outstanding work in your portfolio.

  5. Well, of course I have to admit to bias, being quite familiar with the subject matter _and_ the subject, but I like it. I think the pattern of the piercings amid the antiseptic swashes are cool, but what really makes it work for me is the fierce, determined expression on the face. You made him look good, maybe even beautiful. (Don't ever tell him I said that...) :)
  6. Well, when it comes to fog filters, there's nothin' like the real thing!


    Like the picture, wish you had found a way to compose without clipping off the top of the ship, gotten the whole thing in.

    Snow fence

    Couldn't go very high for originality, but marked higher for aesthetics because this is a really nice example of this kind of picture... beautifully composed and very moody. I like it.



    'The Art of Pinup' was an event held at a local club here in Seattle as an adjunct to the monthly gallery walk. It was a fascinating event-- the promoters basically lined up a bunch of models and a half dozen or so photographers, created a handful of 'sets' around the club, hired a DJ and put on a show-- they charged admission for people to come in and watch the photographers shoot pictures of the models who were styled and made up in the fashion of 40's and 50's cheesecake models.

    The photographers rotated between sets every hour or so, and the models rotated every fifteen minutes.


    I was shooting with a portable Lumedyne flash system, a 40" diffusion panel and my Olympus e-10. This is a picture of Max, who was actually one of the producers of the event, besides being a fabulous model.

  7. The model's idea. She wanted to do something similar to the pictures of Marilyn Monroe on red velvet. Didn't have any red velvet, but I had some blue... with her looks the image became sort of reminiscent of Bettie Page and Marilyn. She was happy and so was I.
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