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Posts posted by dave_bulmer

  1. Make your choice now, golf or large format, either one will cost you

    a small fortune and you'll never perfect either. I take pictures like

    Tiger Woods and smack a ball like ...you get the picture. Regards Dave

  2. Hi Simon. I had been meaning move up into LF for some time, and by

    chance saw an advert in the UK for the cadet or explorer as it's

    called over here. For the equivalent of $600.00 I got the 150mm lens,

    camera, 2 d/d slides, pack of film and focusing cloth. For a beginner

    it was just what I wanted with loads of movement and I bought a

    couple of old lenses and an even older enlarger with the money left

    over. I have read many comments about the plastic feel of some of the

    knobs etc and how over tightening might cause cracking. Well yes if

    you use a torque wrench. The only problem I had was the long monorail

    which made it difficult to pack. So I bought the shorter monorail and

    these can be removed anyway for further ease of packing. If you want

    a cheap monorail go ahead, it's a good product and can handle lenses

    from 75 to 300 easily. The lensboards are cheap, as are other

    accessories. I have also just bought an old MPP microtechnical camera

    which I love because it's old and has more soul. But I still use the

    cadet. Would I buy the cadet again? Yes, if I was in the same

    financial situation. No, if I had more money to spend. Remember the

    first car you ever bought after you learned to drive? Probably an old

    banger but would you really have waited another year to get a shinier

    model. No way

  3. If low budget is your priority, then as has been said many times

    before, spend the extra cash on lenses that will stay with you for a

    long time. How many responses say I wish I had never sold that lens

    etc...The calumet cadet holds the lens at one end and the film at the

    other, in common with every other camera, no matter how expensive.

    You won't polish it and put it on show in the front room of your

    house, unlike many more expensive field cameras. It has sufficient

    movement for most applications and takes lenses from 75mm to 300mm.

    Don't get me wrong, I definitely intend to save up and spend my hard-

    earned cash on just such a wooden field camera when economics permit,

    they are beautiful, but for now, film, lenses and location and not

    dark boxes are what matters most. If you can only afford a new cadet

    then buy one and look at the results and not the method of taking. If

    you are really concerned, when someone asks you what camera you used,

    just name whatever brand you want, no-one is going to question your

    choice. Up the revolution...Dave.

  4. I recently posted a question asking for advice about a replacement light source for a cold cathode head for an old Lines and Jones enlarger that I had ordered but had been broken in transit. The shop couldn't find a replacement as it's about 40 years old. They refunded my money and told me to keep it as they didn't want it back. Several people suggested an Aristo replacement and they had one almost the same dimensions but it was going to be about $300.00 all in. Pete Andrews suggested a Mustek transparency adaptor, tracked one down and reserved it for me. It arrived today cost, £50.00 and after a couple of minutes with a hacksaw fits perfectly well for my needs. The light source is even and bright, so LF b/w printing is alive and hopefully well in Yorkshire. Thanks Pete. Oh and it's going to cost me a beer as well.
  5. Thanks for the lead on Aristo. I contacted them and they seem to be

    promising. Also Pete Andrews who regularly contributes to the forum

    suugested that a de vere 504 head may fit and I have an address for

    the distributers of that company so all is not lost I hope. Thanks


  6. Recently ordered a s/h Lines and Jones 5x4 enlarger. When it arrived the cathode tube was in bits. I've been back to the dealer who can't find a replacement of any kind but managed to find someone who'll hand-make one for the price of rewiring the entire house! They've actually refunded me the price so I have an old but dirty enlarger with no light source. On the plus side the dallmeyer lens supplied as stuck on F8 is now working thanks to 2 hours cleaning and some lighter fluid. Do I have any options regarding fitting some sort of light source? I'm in England by the way and not in any way interested in MTF curves.
  7. My poor old father shrugged off his mortal coil a couple of years ago and having finally got around to clearing out his boxes in the attic I have found an old lens in a very nice brown leather case. It's made by R and J Beck, 7.2 in isostigmar 1:5.8 no15366. it has the appearance of (I'm guessing by the focal length,)an lf enlarger lens perhaps, but as my dad only dabbled in 35mm it's origin is a mystery. Any clues if it could be usable? I hate to think of old equipment thrown into a box just because it's no longer fashionable, so if I can produce an image from it, I will, just in case the old man's got his eye on me. Input appreciated as always...
  8. Thanks for the advice. I contacted my local machine shop who took one

    look and said , easy, £2.00 ($3.00),if the boss doesn't see, so

    that's me set up for the weekend. All I have to do now is "paint it

    black" as an aging rocker once said.

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