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Posts posted by arie

  1. Good evening,


    I received a new 35 mm summicron two days ago and I have two



    1- Where could I find a table that shows the zone of focus by focus

    distance/aperture combination? I have the table for the 50 mm lens.


    2- Suppose that I focus the lens at 3 meters and aperture = f/16.

    The zone of focus showed on the lens is (say) 1.2 meter to infinity.

    Does that mean that as long as my subject is at least 1.2 meters

    from the camera, it will be focused and not blurred? So I do not

    need to focus on the subject that is at 1.2 meter? (If that's the

    case this would be very fast focusing technique)


    Thanks - A.

  2. Thank you all for your answers!


    I received the lens yesterday and I wanted to offer my first impressions:


    1- the lens fits very well with the camera - I would say (to me at least) better than my 50 summicron that is a little bit longer.


    2- I can actually fit the camera/lens in my pocket, which I was not able to do with my other lenses (including a 90 APO summicron). Thas is nice as I am trying to have it with me at all time.


    3- As you may recall, I have a M6 TTL 0.85 mag. Something very interesting I noted was that I can see the 135 frame lines - which is great because they can ssist me with composing the shots (in fact I beleive that they are very near the gold number).


    So next thing to do is to use it!


    Thanks again and I would appreciate your comments on my first impressions.



  3. Good morning to all,


    Yesterday, my wife ordered a lens summicron M 35 mm as a gift. I

    was very happy (of course!). I am currently using a summicron 50 mm

    and 90 mm, with a M6 TTL 0.85 mag.


    I wear glasses, and I am worried that I will not be able to use this

    lens on my 0.85 camera. Are there people in this forum who use them

    together and could you let me know your experience.


    Thanks - A.

  4. Today, I am able to report on a personal comparison between Digital and my leica m6 pothography. Yesterday, I borrowed my youger brother' digital camera (a canon-4 mp) and played with it in St Goerge (Bermuda). I also took my M6 TTL loaded with film. I have to admit that I had a lot of fun using the digital camera: take the picture,see the picture,retake the picture if needed...

    I realized, after 4 yrs of using my Leica that I do not know how to use it to its full potential: I am very slow with it, I just have one focale (50 mm) so that I need to move closer or further from the subjet, for some reasons I am not at ease with plan focussing...Yesterday evening I saw the digital pictures on the computer and I have to admit that for the first time I thought about my Leica photography in a negative way. For sure it isn't the camera fault. Serious questioning for me.

  5. He said ounce: "je n'ai pas l'obsession de la photo. Je suis obsede par ce que je vois, par la vie, par la realite." (I am not obsessed by photography. I am obsessed by what I see, by life and by reality)


    Something fascinating about his craft is that his geometry was not a construction of the picture (what you would call composition). It was rather a geometry that was "given", or recognized if you prefer by him. This is very difficult to achieve. Many people try to compose their pictures. He said: you must not want to achieve teh picture, you must be there and observe, the picyure will come to you.


    Lens sharpness is irrelevant in this case. He would certainly use hyperfocale distance very often. An interesting point to note also is that many people agree that his best pictures are from the early 1930's (he was therefore not using very sharp lenses).

  6. Good afternoon,


    I did an experience last weekend and I am not sure that I understand

    the results:


    I placed an object in front of a very dark wall (almost balck). I

    used incident metering and set my camera accordingly. I used a slide

    film. When I got the slides back, the wall was not as dark on the

    slide as it is in reality.


    So my question: did I need to alter teh ouptut from mu incident

    meter? I thought that the idea of using an incident meter and slide

    film was exacltly not to have to deal with manual adjustments. Am I



    Thanks for your help.

  7. When I look at HCB work, it would be reasonable to assume that he used the hyperfocale distance or at least zone focusing to take his pictures so quickly and move on. Am I right to assume that? So he didn't have to loose time on focusing. Same thing on the metering (manual metering and keep it constant until light changes). I can see now that the way he photographed was very efficient, the camera is "ready to use", just put it to your eyes level and press teh shutter release button. This is amazing!
  8. Good morning,


    I looked at several tables to get the hyperfocal distance (hd) for my

    50 mm lens, but it appears that the figures are different from one

    table to the next.


    Here is what I could gather: f/11, hd = 25 feet; f/16, hd = 17 feet;

    Could you please confirm these values? I am also looking for the f/8



    Also just to make sure that I understand it properly: say that I want

    to use the hd at f/16. Anything 8.5 feet away from the camera will

    be in focus, right?



  9. This is a sad day indeed. I received a congratulation card from HCB (a note on the back of one of his pictures) for my weidding day (which was(!) August 4, 2002). He was invited to my weidding but declined the invitation as they were out of Paris in August. I learned a lot from looking at his pictures. I visited his foundation in Paris, nice space. A show of him and Giacometti will occur in 2005 I beleive, and it is going to be very special I beleive.





  10. Hi


    I was processing the "old" tri X 400 with Microphen for 7 minutes. I have heard that the new formula uses a reduced time, so I am surprised to see from the cited table a time of 7.5 minutes for the new formula.



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