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Posts posted by name_unknown7

  1. I think the reason for lower quality American products is based on

    our culture, such as it is. In the old days, making a quality

    product was taken for granted as the heart and soul of a business.

    Then somewhere in the 1960s the MBA weenies took over, instant

    gratification and short term goals became the focus, and money became

    all that mattered.

    Now days the focus is strictly on maximizing CEO compensation and

    shareholder wealth. Wall Street drives product design and quality,

    not a passion of excellence and utility. If the product is marginal,

    they just work on the marketing spin. Furthermore, consumers have

    become inured to shoddy products and planned obsolescence, to the

    point where they pay a very high premium for quality. This is all

    quite expected. Also consumers are far more concerned about price

    than quality.




    Welcome to the new world!

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