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Posts posted by marco_grande

  1. A few years back I used a wonderful film, Agfa Ultra 50 in both 120

    and 35mm.


    I know that the 35mm has been replaced by Ultra 100, but cant seem to

    find Ultra 100 in 120.


    Does anyone know if it is offered in 120?

    Failing that, does anyone have a source for it in 120?



  2. Because the CL nearly killed the company the first time around.

    Almost all the profit went to Minolta. Leitz sold a ton of CL's

    (nearly 65K) but made little. Probably not coincidentally (the fact

    that the M5 was viewed negatively by many M users didnt help), M

    sales went in the toilet.

    The company came >this< close to ending M production right there and

    then. But reportedly ELC proposed reviving the M4 (as the M4-2)with

    lower cost in construction in Canada. Thusly the line survived.

    Without the )ugly duckling, frequently maligned) M4-2 there would

    have been no M4-P, no M6, no M7.




    A bargain M would have a lower profit margin than the M7, so unless

    they can drum up enough NEW buyers to pay for the additional

    production cost and NOT sap M7 sales, no way.

  3. Erwin's dedication to the scientific method is legendary.




    He used to insist that the Collapsible 5cm Summicron and the first

    rigid/Dual range models had the same optical formula. His reasoning?

    Something along the lines that Leitz had never shown different cross

    sections for the two and never had admitted that they were different.

    (When God tells you something it must be true, no need for


    It was only after several people pointed out to him that they were

    clearly physically different, and told him to LOOK at the lenses in

    question did he do so, and grudgingly admitted his error. Anyone

    interested can check the LUG archives from Late January/early

    February 1998.

  4. The CL has a meter.




    Can't wear cargo pants at the office. The various pre-Aspheric 35

    Crons, and 40 Cron-C are just too tall, makes an embarassing lump!




    I know the 35 Elmar is slow, but I've got a frozen stash of PJM

    Ektapress Multispeed which is quite nice and fast.




    Has anyone out there actually USED the old 3.5/3.5 Elmar?

  5. I've been carrying a Ricoh R1 around as a pocket camera, but am considering using one of my Leicas. The choice basically boils down to a IIIa with 5cm/3.5 Elmar versus a CL with 3.5cm/3.5 Elmar (the 40 Summicron is just too thick (35mm extending beyond flange vs. 16mm for the Elmar, both with caps) for comfort. The Elmar is a noce clear coated postwar version. Of course changing aperture is a pain. Using fast chromogenic film will ease the pain.




    I favor the CL, it's a bit smaller, lighter and I see better at 35mm.

    Any comments?

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