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Posts posted by jeannie_birdsall

  1. Thanks, Sandy. That's just what I wanted -- for a lot of strangers

    to know I'm 50 lousy years old. But enough about that. I've also

    worked with an ancient (circa 1910) 8x10 camera in the studio to

    create paper negatives -- they make great platinum prints. I took

    the 8x10 outside once or twice and was overwhelmed with the bulkiness

    and weight, but the 4x5s (old press cameras, usually -- I'm not big

    on spending money) travel all right -- I've taken a few to England.

    If only the filmholders were lighter. I've even worked a few times

    with a 12x20 banquet camera, but it was old and falling apart and was

    just too much -- or so I decided after sawing a hole in my studio

    ceiling so that I could use the camera vertically -- without the

    hole, I couldn't get the slide out of the filmholder. I certainly

    agree with Sandy that men and women often approach technical problems

    differently. My love for large format comes from letting me avoid

    some techical stuff, i.e. enlarging. I love contact printing the

    original negative -- I love the purity of it.




    P.S. Sandy is still several years away from 50.

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