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Posts posted by randall_thomas

  1. I have an infrequent (maybe 1 in 15 or less) problem with what

    appears to be roller damage to film. The damage tends to cross 3 or

    more frames across the top of the image; a scan of this can be seen

    by clicking on my name. Sometimes there is visible physical damages

    (a horizontal scratch) on the film itself as well. Has anyone

    experienced this problem, or have any knowledge of its direct causes

    or solutions?


    Thanks, and please let me know if the image isn't clear or viewable.



  2. Hi, I am trying to locate a large (interior at least 36x28" or so,

    maybe as few as 3" height) hard case for transporting mounted (i.e.

    unrollable) prints as checked luggage. I have considered putting

    them inside many layers of thick cardboard, but keep concluding that

    the right thing falling on the center of that would bend all prints

    inside. My current other alternative is to build a wooden frame

    (maybe from a used wooden pallet) and put the prints inside,

    cardboard on the outside. Are there any case manufacturers that make

    hard shells that large?





  3. I have shot very little 220 film in my 67II I bought last year, but

    of the 20 or so rolls, a full 1/4 were not rolled tight, some having

    small strain/tear marks on one end of the roll (top or bottom) as

    well. I cannot figure out what is causing this; the fact some

    owners use 220 film extensively and report no trouble at all makes me

    wonder if the problem is a manufacture/quality control issue or

    inherent. Of the 4 rolls, 3 are being developed right now, the first

    had no apparent leakage.




    It is worth noting that when the pressure plate is in 220 mode, it

    will tilt just slightly with use to where the top of the first 2 is

    not completely visible. I don't know if this would have anything to

    do with the problem.

  4. I have looked around on the internet and cannot find this problem accurately described, but some 400 speed film which travelled (lead bagged) through a number of x-ray machines has a horizontal, dark grey stripe (not straight but nearly so, not much variance in width) across most of the roll. Is this consistent with x-ray damage or some other sort of problem/defect? Assuming




    A number of 100 and 64 speed rolls which travelled with this one had no visible marking; as soon as I get back I am going to test some unused 400 speed rolls that travelled in this same bag but were not used.




    Any ideas on this will be appreciated, if need be I will have a couple of frames scanned and put them up.









  5. doing some reading, apparently this is a common issue with aurora

    photography, there are some threads on this on photo.net, i used

    keywords aurora newton ring to find them on google.....I have yet to

    find a way of dodging them anywhere...next time will try faster

    film,wider aperture lens, and no filter and see what happens.





  6. Hi, I recently was in iceland, did some auroral photography, and have noticed that regardless of film used, all photos in which an aurora appears have newton rings in the center of the film, of varying intensity. the equipment i am using is a pentax 67ii with the 55-100 zoom lens...the shots were at f4.5, smallest aperture on that lens....avg exposure maybe 30 seconds. I also took some night shots with no aurora present, and NO newton rings are detectable on the negative/slide. Does anyone have any experience with this, and how it might be avoided in the future?









  7. I recently went through Miami en route to europe, carrying a lot of

    film, and was absolutely told by a supervisor that NOTHING that wasnt

    very high speed film would be allowed past without xray. the amoutn

    of film i was carrying exceeded my lead bags capacity, so some was

    xrayed, though i cannot detect any effect from test rolls i shot of

    it. In some countries they are willing to pass it around, others

    they simply will not, others it seems to vary on how busy they are,

    etc...though none have sent film removed from lead bags back

    through. they have dumped a lead bag full of exposed 120 rolls out

    into a plastic tray.




    I think in the future my new plan for foreign travel is going to be

    source the film in the destination country (if it is first world) and

    order it there for pickup or shipment to hotel (ordered in

    advance)....in more remote/poorer countries where i cannot source

    film i haven't come up with a plan yet, and may end up having to go

    the lead bag route if requesting inspection by hand fails.

  8. Hi, I have searched the archives on this and don't see it mentioned; I have just moved up to medium-format from 35mm and noticed the new pentax 105m lens that came with the kit in promo now has a notable piece of dust on the interior of the bottom of the lens. I have put a test roll in for devolopment but wont have back for a few days; Is this reasonable/normal (I have never seen dust inside any other lens I have owned), should i wait to see if it is visible on results or going ahead and see about exchanging?









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