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Image Comments posted by brendan_bullock


    very strong image - reminds me of allard - not sure about the title "faces of doom" though... he's pensive, but doesn't look like doom is impending despite his obvious poor health... great color as well.

    puzzle_me BW


    a stunning image - the reflection speaks volumes, evokes thoughts and

    images of photographic portraiture from the early 1900's, and yet is rooted in

    the present with the woman as she is, un-reflected. while her reflected portrait

    is phenomenal, and the most successful aspect of this shot, the image as a

    whole is incredibly well done. not sure what manipulation if any has been

    done, but for a black and white, 35mm portrait photographer such as myself,

    this image makes a very strong argument for digital. thank you for sharing,

    and keep up teh amazing work!


    JP F490

    Have you seen the soft-focus nudes of Robert Stivers? He has several book of soft-focus work out. If this is your favorite, check out his stuff for inspiration - i haven't seen anyone do it better, though yours is quite good. Also, its difficult to judge this sort of image on screen, as even minute pixelation detracts from the softness. Continue with this work - I think it would be worthwhile.
  1. just to follow up - i've been looking at this image alot for the last day or so (its on my desktop) and the more i look, the more i'm convinced it's a world-class image. here's the one detail that's a little distracting for me: following the gaze of the man in the foreground, up to the very top left hand corner of the image, we see a little area that looks like a pillar on the corner of the building. the brightness of it, as well as the shape, distract me from the other things happening in the image. perhaps if you just burned in that area a little bit to tone it down? Even though the area behind the man on teh bicycle cart is equally bright, i find that area works well to create the silhouette effect - i really do think also that the man's gaze leads you up to that bright little area, and that its for this reason that i find it distracting. all of this aside, let me reiterate what a stunning capture this is. top notch. all the best, b.
  2. it is a bit overexposed in spots but you should be able to print it a bit darker. the composition is beautiful - it does have a vintage feel, and i think the x-process e-6 works well with this image. nice work!
  3. I hope you enjoy Minkinnen. Thanks again for your comments as well... One other reference - have you seen Spencer Tunick's "Naked States" series of photographs? This one (Stark) is very reminiscent - except he usually uses many bodies at once against a harsh city environment. Also a body of work well worth checking out. I'll check back to your page periodically and look for new postings - see what you're up to. Regards, B.
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