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daisy apple girl

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Image Comments posted by daisy apple girl


    This is actually one of the few more creative male nudes I've ever seen! Female nudes are overly done to the point where there are no shock values left. This still invokes both positive and negative reactions in people... if that's not Art, I don't know what is :) Good job!


    Have decided to pop by your portfolio to see what's new... I like this picture a lot. However, I think all the room on the right side is unncessary and is distracting from this classic look. Perhaps my mind is conditioned with all the classical oil portrait paintings that focuses on the subject and not too much the background (especially when there is not much going on there.) Maybe a portrait crop would do Gloria more justice in this picture :) Nontheless, you captured her beautifully.


    Thanks for your comment. You're right, my models are mostly clothed. As a female photographer, they are actually quite comfortable being naked in front of me, but subconsciously I may want to rebel against the idea that only naked women are sexy. That and I know for a fact that if nude pictures are not done right, they look downright trashy... don't know if I have enough confidence in my own techniques yet. :)

    Read this

    This photo is definitely eye catching. It makes a great accompaniment to a front page news story. The strong point of this photo is definitely the subject and the facial reactions of the people in the background. This is what I would consider a "powerful" image. If I have to pick a negative aspect of this photo, I'd have to say that it looks very homogenous... the main subject looks quite blended in with the background. He stands out in the fact that he's top naked, but he needs to be more distinguished from the people in the background.
  1. I love it when pictures tell a story, and this one does. The mood, the angle, the pose, the whole composition gives that depressed feel... like capturing a moment of a person's life when she is down and contemplative. I love it.
  2. Thanks for the comment, but I am trying to create tension in this serie of photos... that's why I crop the head and move subject way to the side. I am still very new at this, so I'm experimenting. To be honest, I am quite happy with the result. However, I do appreciate your comment and your vision, I'll keep it in mind on the next series :)
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