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Image Comments posted by tim_engel1

  1. I like this one, as well. It might be just a little too tight on his face, and maybe a bit too soft overall (although that could be the scan), but I don't see that there is much for you to do with it in Photoshop.

    Best Wishes - Tim

    Dao Ladies


    Your focus doesn't bother me. If anything, I wish the closest girl were in better focus, but don't mind the slight softness on the furthest one.

    Nice picture.

  2. Well, I have to admit there is certainly something apealing about the horizontal version you have posted. I do like it, but think I might be a bit too much of a purist and prefer the vertical, which is how it appears in nature.

    Thanks for taking the time to put abother spin on this, however!!


  3. I was lucky with the timing. I was leaving from jury duty. The parking lot for the jurors is right across the street from this building. The sun was setting quickly.

    I have gone down to shoot it at sunrise, however. There is one picture in this folder from that time of day.

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