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Image Comments posted by poetprince

    Kids (b)


    the piling (or stump as it's been dubbed)is the perfect compliment to this story. it creates an implied line that can be 'clearly' seen. it gives direction. it gives purpose and meaning to the scene and the colours indeed are lovely.


    almost home

    no rush really

    the night falls so quiet

    close on the heels of the day



  1. i do enjoy this picture, but it has very little to do with 'light'. in fact, i find it has more to do with 'weight', which you have captured well in the ever folding lines and the use of good composition in allowing just the right amount of pressurized sky to be strong enough to hold the hills from rolling away from me too quickly. the light does indeed play a part in this in the way the highlighted areas help to focus one's attention on the overall subdued tone of hills. this effect adds some nice texture and defines contour without any one thing in the photo actually being detailed. although your title suggests to me how you might have felt while you were taking this photo i am more aware of the physicalness of the space rather than the nature of the atmosphere.



    lay me down

    and guide me gently

    into some new oblivion




    there is a soft focus and slight blurring of detail around the edges that help direct my eyes to the smile(s). there is something inherent in the facial lines that becalm me and there is a simple oblique line overall that has a certain dynamic, albeit a real slow one. it is a quiet moment. it is one that instills that reverence for life when one catches a glimpse of an infant at peace.



    my brother and me

    running free

    i was eleven

    he was seven

    and the endless days

    of uour youthfulness

    come rushing back

    our discoveries realized

    and embedded

    in the structure of our memories

    somewhere on the wind

    my mother's voice beckoning

    dinnertime or else





    the scene is sublime

    she is somehow ethereal

    entering our world

    from a far-away place

    when she takes her next step

    she will be a part of us

    for now

    in her final moment

    her last personal

    and private time

    she is reflective

    lightly holding a tree

    symbol of strength

    and support

    her essence

    her innocence

    is greeted

    by what can only be

    the eye

    of a sister




    *i stumbled across this photo reading some comments from another member whom i thoroughly enjoy and i felt that you deserved more recognition than you received. i somehow knew that a woman had captured this moment and i was pleased to have that confirmed..i'd be there all day shooting umpteen rolls to get the same effect. there is a definite intimacy here and for a brief moment only the two of you shared that. the rest of us just get to see the after-effects. if this is your job then you have done it well. if this particular piece is also your art, then you have touched me with it. thank you for that.



    i can see him coming

    his arrival prompt

    abrupt even

    catching me off guard

    pushing me to the ground

    his presence

    overtakes me

    a cafe blurrs my vision

    i no longer know

    where i am

    it is anywhere

    in the american empirer

    and i am swept away

    by this creature

    of the day



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