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Posts posted by ricardo_villagran

  1. Hello,


    First of all thanks for reading my thread. Well, yesterday evening I got my

    recently acquire Leica D2. Everything was looking good, the camera cosmetically

    is absolutely in like new condition. I put a fresh battery in it, and then start

    to do some tests which I am attaching here.


    The seller said the camera works in perfect order, but there is something really

    bad happening here. Everything I shoot with an even light looks fine, but if

    there is a bright light source looks with a terrible solarized effect.


    I want to ask you if this is a common problem when the cameras need a new sensor

    or if this is something else. I can go to all the ebay process and claim a

    refund, or I can keep it and send it to Solms months and months to get repaired.


    Any advice will be really appreciate!


    Ricardo Villagran


    here is the link to the example pictures:



  2. Hello guys, thanks for your comments...


    Yes, the ad it was supposed to be feature in the current issue. The only thing that bothers me is since last Thursday I been trying to contact them via email with no response, and before that, Ginny, -which I guess is their sales representative- was in constant communication with me, and she was a very nice and helpful person to deal with.


    I will call Henry tomorrow to see if he can help me, thank you very much and have a great night!



  3. Hello,


    The truth is I don't know anywhere else I can post my question, so I hope I can

    find some assistance here...


    Last month I pay an ad in the Exposure Section of BandW magazine, I send my

    payment (credit card charged) and my featured picture. Then they send me my ad

    for approval and that was it. Last week I ran to the bookstore, grab the

    magazine, and for my surprise my ad was not there.


    I sent 5 emails already to the sales cordinator with no response so I don't know

    what to do... just let it go and forget about it? the ad cost more than 200dlls

    :-( and I really wanted to be feature there!



    Any suggestions will be appreciate!




    Ricardo Villagran

  4. After several tests I realized is not a matter of focusing, but an issue of depth of field, since I been using tripoid and only stepping down the aperture... at f5.6 the images look very sharp, at f2 there is no a single point of focus area... So I guess this lens is simply useless at f2-2.8... it is a shame since I was trying to use it for portraits!




  5. Hello,



    Yesterday I got my 35mm Summicron R lens which I am trying to use with my L1.

    Exposure is right-on but I have problems with focusing, even when I got the

    focus confirmation green dot on the finder, some of the shots come out of focus

    and some don't.


    Any help would be very aappreciate here, I have great expectations in that lens!






  6. Hello,


    I want to ask the forum about this since I haven't found any other similar post

    around. My old Rolleicord IV felt the other day on hard floor, the shutter,

    which prior to the accident gave me some problems of jamming at the middle of

    the rolls, now it is completely jammed.I cannot move it at all.


    So, first I want to ask if it is worthy to repair it considering the cost of a

    complete shutter overhaul, and the low cost of the camera... and also, if it is,

    i wonder where I can send it for repair.


    Thank you for any advice here.

    Ricardo Villagran

  7. Hello,


    I am looking for some technical assistance here. I have a problem with some of

    my color files. (specially those with lots of green like some I took on the park)


    When saving them for web, they look dull, flat and desaturated, no matter how

    much I increase the saturation in the PSD file they still look the same. Any

    ideas of how to make them look just as they are? I am going crazy because I have

    this problem with some files not all so I am a little lost here. I assign their

    profile to Srgb but anything happens...


    Any help will be very appreciate!


  8. Hello,


    After too much thought I finally went for a Nikon D80 as a replacement for my Epson RD1 and I cannot be

    happier (thanks for the comments on my posts) Well, now I am shopping for a more portable camera, I do

    have a Lumix FX01 which gives terrible images at anything above ISO 200 and basically no control at all...

    I want to buy something better, with more options. So far I have limited my choice to the Leica D-Lux3 or

    the Canon G7, I had on muy list the Ricoh but I find the fixed lens very limited of my taste.


    Leaving other issues aside like viewfinders, etc, of these 2, which one would you think will deliver the best

    output? are we talking about the same dynamic range? Does the RAW files of the D3 look better than the

    G7 jpgs?


    Any comments will be very appreciate!

    Regards, Ricardo

  9. After reading all the opinions seems to me like paying more than $600-700 for the D2 considering the options out there is absurd, even when are still selling strong for well more than 1000 bucks... Maybe I will get the Oly E-500 kit with 2 lenses brand new for $700.00 for when I need fast response and keep my RD1 just for the pleasure!


    Thank you very much for your time!



  10. Hello,


    I wonder if there is any Digilux 2 or Panasonic DMC L1 users around because I would like to ask them their

    opinions about these cameras.


    I have the chance to buy a basically new D2 for 1500USD. I know the D3 (basically the L1) is coming soon,

    but that one will cost at least 1000 more and basically it is a new system rather than a real substitute for

    the D2.


    I have right now an Epson RD1 who gives me excellent results, sometimes I miss a fast zoom and motor

    winder, but I don't want a Canon, Nikon etc... so I narrow my choices to the D2 or the D3... am I crazy for

    buying a 2004 camera at that price? should I wait? is the D2 really that bad at iso 400? the L1 is

    substancially better in terms of image quality?


    Any comments will be really appreciate...

    kind regards,



  11. Hello,


    I need a 545 4x5 Polaroid back for a Leonardo pinhole camera. Doing some research I found that there are

    many used Polaroid backs for sale that says LAND film holder, who are far cheaper than those who do not

    say the word LAND. I just wonder if there is any difference between them and if I can use regular 545

    Polaroid film in these "Land" ones...


    Thank you very much for any advice.


    Ricardo Villagran

  12. Hello,


    I have a 2 months old Lumix that I hit with a door, the camera works fine but the screen

    is all white with some dark spots... Is useless basically. I been trying to send an email

    via the Panasonic website but never goes through, and they never answer their 1-800



    Do you have any ideas is there somewhere else I can send the camera for repair?


    Thank you very much for your help

    Ricardo Villagran

  13. Hello...!


    I realized the many occasions I missed shots simply because I don't carry my D70

    everywhere... I want a pocket digital to do the job, and I was thinking basically in the Fuji Z1

    but I am not able to try one, so i wonder if anyone out there has the experience with it...

    My second choice would be the new Nikon S3 ot the Lumix FX8.


    Any comments will be very appreciate!

  14. Hello!


    Finally after months of research finally I got me a new D70 with the kit lens and I am very

    happy with it. Now I want to ask you guys if there is a way I can get panoramic effects

    -Xpan style- with my camera, other than stitching frames... I don't know if a rectilinear

    fisheye lens can do the job...


    Thank you very much for any comments!




  15. Hello friends!


    I been using an Artixscan 120 to scan several negatives, all of a sudden my Imac G5 do

    not recognize the scanner, and when I open the SF Launcher, the computer says that it

    cannot find it!


    I am using firewire, trying a couple of different cables but with no success. Any idea of

    what can I do to solve the problem?



    Thanks for your help!


    Ricardo Villagran

  16. Maybe is a dumb question, but I cannot find an answer to this...



    I read at DPreview.com:


    "Sensors of digital compact cameras are substantially smaller than those of digital SLRs

    with a similar pixel count. As a consequence, the pixel size is substantially smaller, which

    is a key reason for the image quality difference, especially in terms of noise and dynamic



    My question is, If there are different pixel sizes, why when open in Photoshop an 8MP

    image coming from a Olympus 8080 with its 2/3's sensor, and one from an Oly Evolt with

    a 8MP 4/3's sensor, they both have the same print dimensions? I mean, pixels have to fill a

    physical space at the moment of printing, so if pixels are from different sizes, don't they

    come up with different print sizes too? what is the answer?



    Thanks in advance for any comment!



    Ricardo V

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