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michael b

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Posts posted by michael b

  1. "Was that a proper question to be asking a man who was happy to find his cat alive and his life's work intact?"


    Why not? I asked about the cat last, DC seemed glad to provide details of the rescue. I will say I skimmed the original post -- the helpless NOLA pets were a sad sidenote to the human misery - and missed the fact that his negatives were saved so my other comment was unnecessary. I've lurked here for years, post rarely for just this reason. Jeesh.

  2. Thanks for what you've shared in the past, your early morning prowls have captured some stuff that may never be seen again. I hope the archives are intact.


    FWIW relatives on the Mississippi coast have nothing left.


    How happy was that cat to see you? Good deal.

  3. Certainly looks like a step in the right direction...an actual shutter speed dial; manual focus lens with standard f-stops; a very useful 28mm-90mm equivalent zoom; a familiar form factor, not the giant pigs most DSLR's are yet enough mass for steady low light use. I'm not surprised there's no RF -- big bucks -- an EVF, properly done, can be very nice. Looks closer to the original "reportage" camera concept, 5mp's is plenty for excellent prints of reasonable size.
  4. With WDC #6 within arm's reach, MS has been REALLY lucky, no?

    When he's gone, I suspect you'll say with pride in years to come that you saw him race and win. At the first USGP -- rain in the a.m. -- I sat in the short chute, cars exiting the wet infield section onto the drier regular section leading to turn 13 and the straight...flat out the whole way. All day, every car hit that point and got squirrely under full power, except Schumi. He was absolutely on rails all day (until he fell asleep at the other end and spun at the end, still winning easily). His ruthlessness or his record notwithstanding, he was quite amazing to watch that day.

  5. FYI you can get quite close to the action near the end of the infield section, at the two very tight turns Mickey and Mouse the cars are creeping. With the WDC so close this year, I expect most of my pictures will we taken well before the actual race. My focus will be on something other than images. Also, take the earplug advice to heart.
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