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Image Comments posted by steveho

    one kiss


    Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is not a competition. I am not here to compete with you or anyone else. I am looking for feedback on the photograph itself, not how I rate you.


    If you look at your photographs from someone else's perspective, the lack of quality lighting, the lack of focus, the lack of model positioning, having the model's dark hair disappear into the background,, all of these things are the reason that I've rated most of your photographs 5/5.


    If you truely think that this photograph is a 5/5, so be it.



    Her pose doesn't flatter her hips. Maybe just moving the pillow around and the camera angle (perhaps more straight on) would help with her right side hip.


    Otherwise, She looks relaxed and comfortable.


    Hot Dog on antenna


    This photograph does not strike any emotion in me. Aesthetically, the composition is nice, but nothing out of the ordinary; it is properly framed and the background is appropriately out of focus. But the subject matter doesn't strike me as humorous, or serious, or ??; more like silly.


    Technically, there doesn't seem to be enough DOF overall. Parts of the main subject are not in focus (namely the hat), while the hands are a bit washed out (hard sun??).


    As far as originality? I feel that the subject doesn't require much thought to see the photo. Just frame and shoot whatever's around. I think perhaps a higher vantage point, looking down the antenna, while still allowing the eyes to be seen, would be more exciting, more original.



    So- 5 for aesthetics due to not enough dof and some washout

    and- 5 for originality due to "normal"-ness of the situation


    just my opinion



    I don't see any particular point of interest. You're right about the overcast not providing any definition of the sky, but th etrees also don't have much definition. Also the water as well.

    Maybe it needs less contrast to bring out some of the detail in the tree area. Perhaps crop it at the forground rocks?

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