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Posts posted by chuck_gallagher

  1. When I click on Top Rated Photos I get a page of 12 thumbnails.

    This used to be 15 but that is not the problem. Each time I click

    on NEXT I get another page of 12 thumbnails. If I am several pages

    into these photos and click on one of the thumbnails to view the

    image everything works fine. However, when I click on the BACK

    arrow I am returned to the first page no matter where I was when I

    clicked on the thumbnail. Is there something wrog with my settings

    or are other people experiencing this. Please help. Thanks

  2. My SQ-A focusing screen has two horizontal and two vertical lines at the sides of the screen. These are crop guides that show you what the image will look like cropped to an 8x10 proportion. If you were to print the image full frame horizontally then the top and bottom lines would be a guide as to how much would be cropped vertically if you were to print to an 8x10.
  3. I am a little late getting into this thread but I would like to share my experience with humidity and my Bronica. I was to shoot a portrait in an indoor pool area and my SQ-A refused to work. Not only did it fog up but the electronics completely shut down. I could not get the camera to fire at all. After I returned to the studio the camera worked fine. This is the only time that I have ever had any problems with the SQ-A and it was my main camera for 12 years. This story has a positive side though, since I had to light the scene with strobes and the deck was completely wet everywhere. Maybe the camera failure saved me from getting electrocuted.



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