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Posts posted by leiutenant_smith

  1. Sorry, I was "out of pocket" got back this am. First you guys are amazing, you got on this so quickly. I appreciate your effort. On the left side the "rabbit ears" are at about 8 o'clock. Anything you need from me, just ask.



  2. <p>I have a Nikon FA that has never let me down. A young nephew, I've been helping with photography was over about a week ago (<strong>he</strong> <strong>happens to be left handed</strong>) went to change lenses, and instead of turning new lens from right to top center, he went from top center to left instead. The ears are now near the self timer lever. It's now locked, and I can't remove it. Would greatly appreciate any help you can give. I'm retired and love taking film pics. with this "Old War Horse". I'll be hoping and waiting for a reply.<br /> Thanks,<br /><br /></p>
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