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Posts posted by jonathan_silvers

  1. Roland: Very strong work. Do you intend to publish it formally? Strikes me as suitable/ideal for Stern. Alas, there aren't many mags left in the US that would have the courage to run so complex a story. A few years back, Life ran a photo essay by Derek Hudson on Gulf War Syndrome, which opened eyes. I suspect your essay would have the same effect.


    Do you mind a few questions? How do you choose between b+w and color? Do you evolve a relationship with your subjects or are you forced to shoot quickly at a given location (such as an orphanage or clinic)? What reaction has there been to your essay? Finally, is it possible your work might generate assistance for the victims and an investigation into the consequences of the defoliant?


    Thanks for sharing these frames. I wish you every success and congratulate you on your courage and talent.

  2. Attempting to escape a traffic jam on Saturday, I found myself in

    Brooklyn, NY, blocks from Coney Island. After fortifying

    (disgracing) myself at Nathans, I headed out to the Boardwalk with

    M6, 24mm, and a roll of TriX. It rained; the place was nearly

    deserted. Nearly. I managed to catch a handful of characters in

    what is an authentic desolation row.


    I'd be grateful for your comments. And sorry, I still don't know how

    to make a portfolio clickable. Cutting and pasting will get you






  3. Sorry for shouting, but I'm lashing out against the chronic huckstering going on here. Since the forum has moved to Photo.net, the number of For Sale and merchandise plugs has gone through the roof. I've also been overwhelmed with emails promoting every kind of camera-related (and unrelated) junk. Yes, tripod ball heads serve a purpose; but to Leica users who favor discretion and street photography, that purpose is minimal.
  4. Joe,

    Hope this doesn't sound harsh, but your frames strike me as inconsistent. Some are quite inventive in use of color and composition, others are little more than snapshots. The better shots seem to be those that required thought and suggest intellectual attachment/curiosity (i.e., candles, architectural latticework). The weak shots (i.e., let's go in, grampa, etc.) might have been amusing at the time you shot, but they do little for detached viewers.

    My suggestion is the obvious: push a lot of film through your camera and learn judicious editing.

    Best of luck.

  5. Rather than spend a lot on the Leica SF20 flash, I bought the Olympus S20 flash for my M6TTL and have used it with mostly good results. One concern: when I mount the Olympus flash in the hot shoe, the flash symbol does not appear in the viewfinder. Does the symbol only appear when using a dedicated Leica flash or am I doing something wrong?
  6. I returned last week from a month-long assignment in Zambia and Malawi. The theme was the impact of AIDS on families. The frames in the series below are of AIDS patients/parents, AIDS orphans /street children living on their own, and AIDS orphans living with elderly relatives.




    Much as I'd appreciate criticism (and I would), I'd be more grateful for advice on scanning b+w negatives. Many of the photos I posted are too dark and lose some/all detail. The negatives and contact sheets are fine, rich in details (like facial expressions). My scanner, unfortunately, has a hard time with black faces in high contrast situations. I scanned them in as grayscale, and tried adjusting levels, brightness/contrast, and so on, but had little success. It's the Canon 2400 -- works fine with color negs and slides. B+W negs are its Achille's Heel. Help!




    Cutting and pasting the URL below will get you to the series. Sorry I don't know how to make it clickable.





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