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alaska wolf

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Image Comments posted by alaska wolf

    On the Move


    Your photo has some possibilities, but it needs some serious cropping. Right off the bat, that purple and gray post needs to go because where it starts the picture has ended. Actually I would like to bring the right border to the corner of the large pinkish building or even to just behind the street car. Then cut off the bottom underneath the feet of the fellow entering the cross walk. You'll want to play around with the left and top border to achieve a balance between width and height.

    You call your shot: On the Move. It would have been great to have the shutter speed slower to get the pedestrians showing some movement blur. But if the street car was also moving that would have blurred it as well.

    Any way, in regards to all your photos, try cropping to achieve pleasing compositions and establish focal points.

    Kind regards, Wolf



    Hello, Victoria.

    This picture caught my attention. The theme, i.e. a model reaching for something in the air, is an old one. Your use of it, however, is very original. Your choice for the color of your models dress and the setting in a snow-covered, leafless environment really work well together to convey the cold.


    Nice addition to a nice portfolio.


    Kind regards, Wolf.

    Lubna II


    I like the composition/cropping of your picture. The colors are very simple and strong. As to the background color, the black is fine with me. Because of it the picture has fewer colors overall, which results in a simple, classic elegance.


    Regards, Wolf



    I stumbled across this picture today and it caught my attention. Your model's simple attire contrasts very nicely with all the "busy-ness" of the setting. Her relaxed posture contrasts with the rigidity of the stone monument. It is a very nice photo and shows 'some' awareness of the background and composition. Maybe you can get a second shot at this location and see how many of the comments you can accommodate. All things considered, I like this capture.


    Regards, Wolf

  1. To me this photo lacks punch. It looks like you tried to compose the picture, but is did not achieve anything overwhelming. I have tried taking a lot of trail and board walk pictures and therefore know how difficult it can be to make the picture say something. You might try using portrait format rather than landscape.


    Regards, Wolf



    What a shot! A picture with lots of detail is often too busy to enjoy. But this picture works well, very well. The very business is its strong point. I am looking at it again and again to figure out how you managed to create such a strong picture. Maybe you can explain how you made this picture is so intrigueing. A quick check of your portfolio shows that this is not an accident, but that you know what you are doing.


    Regards, Wolf.

  2. I like your composition. The foreground is very busy, but then the eye is drawn to the calm mid-ground. The haze reveals a little bit of sunshine/rays. The tree on the left ties entire picture together. The large tree covers about one third of the picture. The plant with yellow leaves(?)is in a thirds hotspot. As a beginning photographer I try to emphasize the basic composition rules, which an experienced photographer can break.


    I have one suggestion: using photoshop or a similar program try to decrease the brightness of the sky and the hazy area. There are burned out spots in the sky which you may be able to recover or strengthen.


    Nice job.


    Regards, Wolf.



    The butterfly on the flower is wonderful. The butterfly and flower are nice and sharp. But I would have cropped differently. 1. Crop out the large, broad leaf and you have a nicely composed picture with the weight on the butterfly. 2. Crop out the right side of the picture to make the flower and butterfly cover 2/3 of the picture.

    I don't know if that is what the first critiquer meant.


    Regards, Wolf.

    stana de oi

    This picture is very well composed. It has a nice balance of lines and areas, and clolors. The farm house is placed at one of the optimum 1/3 cross points with a lot of lines leading the eye to it. Good job. Regards, Wolf.
  3. Bob, Kathy and Louisa,

    I am glad you enjoy the picture. This path leads across a swampmeadow and up the mountainside. It connects with several trails. One leads up Indian River, the other to the top of Gavan Hill and an intermediate cross trail with a nice overlook (see section: Views from the Hills photo 2: From the mountain trail.)

    Regards, Wolf.

  4. Outstanding capture of the emotion. I might have cropped it a little differently, closer to the firefighters on the left side. Maybe even shifted the entire picture a little more to the right. Anyway, it is a great shot. Regards, Wolf.

    Beach Walkover

    I like the technical composition of this picture. The rule of thirds is well used, the bush on the left balances the wooden walk. You timed the shot well in regards to the surf breaking. To me the slippers add a great touch; I wonder what the story is. IMO the picture is good with or without the slippers. Regards, Wolf.
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