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Posts posted by mark_h

  1. Hi, I can talk about the G2. It helped me back into the subject. I have some issues though, or rather had. I sold it a few days ago and bought a Canon T90.


    I found the camera to be limiting which I knew was creeping on me as my skills improved, but then I knew what to expect. The G2's autofocus is abysmal and it ended up fixed on manual focus almost all the time. The fringing is an issue that did not trouble me but I could tell it existed. I never ventured away from ISO50 because of noise issues. The flip-out display was nice but on balance I would have gone for the SLR style view any time.


    Having said all of that the 4Mb images were almost always pleasing and constantly inspiring. The exposure/spot and bracketing was a joy to use and I dropped straight into using the features on the T90.


    I have a BP511 and lensmate here should anyopne want to make an offer.Try here: mail@rubydog01.fsnet.co.uk


    Here is a small gallery of mine. All on G2 bar the kodachrome.


  2. I just thought I'd share this with you people here and why I'm

    thinking of almost leaving digital behind and going all the way FD.

    I used film SLRs for many years and steered well clear of digital

    even though I'd access to an Apple lo-res digicam way back at the

    beginning. Unusually for me I�m quick to swing to the digital point

    of view on most things ie DVD against VHS; CD against tape etc but I

    wasn�t ever totally convinced by the digital camera argument except

    its spontaneity. I now have a Canon G2 and I have had a wonderful

    experience over the last 15 months with it and learnt many things

    that the instant feedback of a digi-cam helps overcome, for

    instance, I had real problems with photographing a local railway

    tunnel that previously had left me exasperated prior to the feedback

    that the G2s display gave me. I have taken over 7000 images with it

    of which I have 2800 still lurking on my hard-drive and 500 of those

    I would be happy to share and feel quite proud of. Not bad for a

    very small zoom point and shoot.


    However I recently applied for a job locally that involved basically

    photographing BMW cars in a distribution centre for web site

    perusal. One can imagine that at best these photos are functional

    rather than works of art and because of the nature of the business

    they need to show the vehicle from, I �m guessing here, 3 pov�s. The

    potential buyer is not looking for intellectual stimulation from

    browsing these images. Get this though. The minimum spec camera was

    a Canon D10 digital! OK I can understand using digital in this

    instance but a G2 etc not good enough for 320x240 images?


    I just recently got hold of a 50mm f1.8, a 300mm f4 lens and an A1

    (one that works!). I have others that haven�t for a long while and

    I am just blown away by the big bright viewfinder and the speed of

    that 50mm!! Anyway, I was just about to advertise the G2 in my local

    store when I decided I�d better take the 3 test films in for

    developing at my local supermarket so as to check for leaks. I was

    so confused at the incredibly strange pricing system there that I

    wanted to take my own life to end the misery. It seems it�s

    impossible to get developing only and 24 shot film is dearer than 36

    and it all takes 3 days instead of one for standard processing and

    as for special instructions to accomodate my film scanner, well I

    didn�t ask. Doesn�t look like I will be leaving digital just yet!

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