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Image Comments posted by tmgr

  1. Nice work with a very attractive model... Although, I believe much has been has said on this topic...


    Aside from the previous critiques... I would comment that again ?beauty is in the eye...? I believe the desire to capture the beautiful curves of your model prompted the original draft... that is, your intent to portray her obvious attributes was not lost in the first take...

    Sure we can adjust for a cleaner photographic appeal... but in the original take, I believe you would actually capture what the eye (yours) saw without the lens...


    My humble comments... I can only admire the product of the beauty you gazed upon...


    My best to you...





    Carlos, que nena mas linda... me encanta su forma... en ambas fotos haces realzar sus atributos... que belleza... Me imagino que... esta nena no la dejas muy lejos... Comentario: estas recortando las fotos un poco cerca, cuidado con este detalle...


    Ciao hermano, que placer...


    An Image forever burned in the mind, frozen in the recall of youth, she will captivate me forever... Sorry started babbling Just wanted to say, I love it...

    Looking you 1

    Que cara de mujer mas bella... captiva la mente y el ojo con una pregunta... estoy muy interesado... Mil disculpas; la mente enfocada en la poesia del momento... Detalle: pienso que debes reducir los aspectos claros [lado Izquierdo] para permitir el detalle de la forma de su cara... Por si , sepia hace relucir su forma...


    Sorry, but I must confess, the buttocks did catch my attention, somewhat... Afterall, if life was limited to intellectual talk... This foto would not have been taken... I'm assuming the yellow suit, the red hair and skin tone had to catch your eye before the text came into view... Solely the comments of a purist... Happy foto taking...
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